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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

Who says we British are obsessed with the weather? ;) :whistle: :P


Lol! Obsessed? Nooooo! I only took 132 pictures of snow today!!

It is pretty tho!!


This was on the road to Berwick yesterday



And this was the horse field today


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Well, overnight - more snow! The temperature on my car computer this morning read - 11 at some points on the way to work - I have never seen it that cold! I was going to snap a picture - but didn't think it was safe to do so, considering the driving conditions (yes, couldn't face the bus today)!!!


I'm now starting to worry about the wildlife - what are those poor things doing for their dinner? I'm trying to help though!


AND - when all of this snow SUDDENLY melts - there's going to be the ensuing floods - I can just see it now. :(


Lovely pictures Lyn - I love the top one (and where did you get that blue sky from!!!!) :laugh:

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Thanks - I love it when it's all fluffy like this, I'm dreading the melt too tho Jill - mud, mud and more mud!!

Last night I dreamt that it rained all night and when we got up the snow was gone - When I woke I had high hopes!! Alas it wasn't to be!! More snow and freezing fog just offshore!!

I also dreamt I received a white dove in the post. Don't supppose that'll happen either! :unsure:

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Well it seems our weather is making headlines around the world, I know it has been on German news as well as Australian news and I'm sure many other countries as well. Wednesday night in Benson, Oxfordshire the temperature fell to -18 making it the coldest place in the UK, my son lives there. Here in the south west we have more snow forecast for the weekend, today it isn't going to get above 0 even though it is a sunny day. I think many people are now making an extra effort (Bernie excluded ;-)) to get to work as the novelty of being home has worn off and we all need to earn a living.


Stay safe everyone.

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-4C today, getting warmer now. Fanastic pics Lyn. :)


Julie I dont need to go to work because there is no work :woohoo: Nobody needs a crane now, we have 12 in our yard and no work for them because to take a vehicle out in this weather that weighs in excess of 50 tons is madness, so I stay at home :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2010/01/08 17:22

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Ha Ha Ha! That's fab Dee - the next shot should be a braver one - perhaps you in a bikini? :laugh:


I've been out and cleared the path (again) and knocked the solid ice from my car's wheel arches (again) and cleaned the snow and ice from the top of the rubbish bins (again).....Gosh - this is getting tedious!!!! :woohoo:

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That would have to go in Bernie's funny farm room. I would swim in the lake before the ice melts though. Not for long.... long enough to convince the boys to jump in behind me just to weed out the ones with weak hearts. Then, I married the only one who didn't cry. LOL:woohoo:

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katana600 wrote:

I would swim in the lake before the ice melts though. Not for long.... long enough to convince the boys to jump in behind me just to weed out the ones with weak hearts. Then, I married the only one who didn't cry. LOL:woohoo:




Like it Dee! That's a great story to tell the grandkids!!

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That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Poor guy has spent the past thirty years trying to keep up. He knew what he was getting into... while we were dating, he was getting stung by a swarm of bees and I locked the car doors so he couldn't get in. He was a crazy man. Someone had to drive to the emergency room! See, I saved him. Oh the things he has seen.<br><br>Post edited by: katana600, at: 2010/01/08 23:20

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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

Pictures on the news this morning of southern Spain covered in a blanket of snow and still snowing, apparently this is unheard of. Scary weather!


We have a temperature feature on our desk top which compares that of home with that of the village in Spain where we go on holiday. It is showing 2 degrees in Southern Spain at the minute!! That bloody snow better clear by July Julie!!! :laugh:

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Lovely picture Jill.


The good news is that parcel force have finally arrived this morning (yes a Sunday!!!) with Beau's birthday goodies, better late than never I suppose, he won't know the difference, he will just get spoiled a second day! :laugh:


It's snowing this morning and has been for hours, it's very light so far though and so not doing too much on the ground. I've been feeding and watering the wild birds these past few days, something I don't do very often. I don't think the weather is going to improve any time soon.

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