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I cant beleeeev it Southampton, England has come to a standstill, with a snow flurry :woohoo: All Europe as got the gear, we breakdown.


-2C here, when I was in Norway the temp was -30C and everything worked for the 2 weeks I was there.


We are running out of gas, no grit for the roads.


Its a giggle :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Bernie I get the gist of your post but:


1, It was -9 here last night!

2, According to the evening news gas supplies are plentiful and

3, Scotland long with some other councils are having problems getting salt supplies to where they are needed as the average British winter doesn't usually get these prolonged cold spells.

4, We don't usually need the sort/amount of equipment places such as Norway does and wouldn't we be the first to complain if our councils spent our taxes on equipment which was used perhaps once a decade?


I know your post is light-hearted Bernie but I had to point this out - sorry :kiss:

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Here too Bernie - our schools were sposed to go back today but they've got the week off! The radio is telling all council workers including teachers to go to there nearest council offices if they can't get into work, and if they can't get to the nearest councl office, they've to work from home!! :laugh: What's the school janitor going to do at home!!:laugh: :laugh:

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pearllyn wrote:

Here too Bernie - our schools were sposed to go back today but they've got the week off! The radio is telling all council workers including teachers to go to there nearest council offices if they can't get into work, and if they can't get to the nearest councl office, they've to work from home!! :laugh: What's the school janitor going to do at home!!:laugh: :laugh:
HAHA Good point.
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Yes, everything a nightmare here. Northumberland County Council is running out of salt, schools are closed and it was -5 here last night. The early morning flurry was soft on the car though - so that easily brushes off. What annoys me is the school closures! WHY? Oh yes, the teachers couldn't get in - well, what would happen if my place of work decided they couldn't get it!! I work in a hospital!


We've had to abandon the kids this evening though - the youngest goes to school 22 miles away - and Michael had to turn back from collecting her - roads too dangerous and rear wheel drive don't go! They are both stopping at a relative's house!


I'm sick of it - global warming! WHERE!!!

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It's ridiculous Jane - I was going to say exactly what you've just said - Scandanavia is just over there (I'm pointing) - look at the weather you put up with - and the world keeps revolving! Schools stay open, roads stay open, lives continue! But you're right - not here!!!! :laugh: Oh - and I still went to work in four inch heels!!!

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JillyBeanz I know all about the heels in snow,I have also done it and I should know better. Went out just before xmas and it was a white out and the taxi couldn't get up my road so had to walk 400m in my heels in knee deep snow and when I got home I had to dig the front door out just to get inside.

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How do your birds handle the cold? I am in Florida and the last couple of days have been so cold, its only 35-40*F at night but its reallllyyy cold to us! I went to turn the heater on for the first time in YEARS the other day and it doesn't work! So I have been worried about my poor Ecko getting too cold. I've been turning the blow dryer on for a couple minutes so he can warm up.. what do you guys do?

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It's different when you live in a cold climate all houses have amazing insulation and triple glazing on the windows. We also have efficient heating systems so the house is a cozy 21 degrees C in winter. So really the birds have little concept of the cold except when I take them in the car and they have to survive the short walk to the car.<br><br>Post edited by: Jane08, at: 2010/01/05 22:02

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What a bunch of woosies, get a couple of inches of snow and a little chilly weather and you think the world comes to a standstill.


We got nearly 2 feet of snow a week before Christmas and most of it is still around, hasn't got above the freezing mark all week nor will it.

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That's the thing though Judy - every other country in the world is equipped for the snow - but nope - everything in the UK comes to a standstill!


I am testament to that! I have had to be "rescued" by a snow plough this morning only 400 yards from work!! The hospital is up a bit of a bank - totally ungritted - and my fabulous rear wheel drive, definitley a summer car, got stuck!


Luckily there is still humility and kindness in the world and two very kind chaps (one in a landrover and another in another huge 4 x 4) stopped to help me! Transpires one of them was the owner of the private company that is hired to ensure my place of work is gritted and clear! He sent for his snow plough who cleared the way for me!


Moral of the story is - don't buy a sports car with slick tyres if you live in the unprepared UK!!!

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Jude it is 20 - 30 years since we had snow on this scale, here in the UK we are simply not equiped for it - simple as that.


No wonder the Aussies call us "winging poms." Why can't we just enjoy the snow instead of all this negativity. A couple of weeks ago everyone was wishing for a white Christmas doh!




My garden at 7-45 this morning.

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Supernova wrote:

Must be the wrong kind of snow Judy, we go it bad here nearly 3ins :huh: temp is -1/2 C and I can't get to work in my 4x4 Truck.

I think it is something to do with, I could not be bothered, :woohoo:


:laugh: That could be it Bernie!!


Well I think our town has gone insane! There are more people on the high street than we have seen thre in the past decade! They're lining up outside the co-op waiting for the delivery lorry to unload! There are kids zipping along the Bantry on motocross bikes, and I saw one bloke digging his mobility scooter out of a snow drift!!


It is pretty though!



Stay safe everyone.


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Supernova wrote:

Must be the wrong kind of snow Judy, we go it bad here nearly 3ins :huh: temp is -1/2 C and I can't get to work in my 4x4 Truck.


:whistle: Nearly 3 inches and the world comes to an end, try 2 feet of it and see where you get:ohmy:


Oh well all this banter is making me laugh, what a hoot!

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judygram wrote:

Supernova wrote:
Must be the wrong kind of snow Judy, we go it bad here nearly 3ins :huh: temp is -1/2 C and I can't get to work in my 4x4 Truck.


:whistle: Nearly 3 inches and the world comes to an end, try 2 feet of it and see where you get:ohmy:


Oh well all this banter is making me laugh, what a hoot!

We have got 2 feet of snow Judy, but it is evenly spread all over the country. :woohoo:
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I've just rang the council to ask when they will know if Katie's school will be closed tomorrow to be told "well, the teachers will TRY to get there tomorrow".


Poor teachers! What about the rest of us running the economy! I'm here at work!! I risked life and limb in order that a service is provided!!


Snow is lovely (from the inside of your own home) but I'm sick of it now - please, please, tropical weather arrive!!! :laugh:

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