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Red Update


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Thought I'd update you all on Red. The birds all went to Florida with me for Christmas. We set a baby monitor up in the room he was in, so everyone could hear his large vocabulary. We would sit for hours and listen to him. He won't speak in front of anyone. He's like the singing frog in the cartoon. Anyway, I was napping one afternoon and thought the starling had gotten out of his cage and landed on my shoulder. I looked over and it was Red, just standing there looking at me. He stayed there for a long time. Then, he saw my ear sticking out of my hair and gave it a good pinch. He started talking more when I was in the room with him. On Christmas Day, there were 18 people at my mom's. $ of the boys under the age of 4. I think, even though Red was in the bedroom, he was nervous and anxious of all the noise in the house. I started hearing him from the front room yelling, SHHHHit!!! over and over and over. He did that for 2 days!. He did it in the car on the way home. Since we've gotten home, he's back to not talking in front of me, but he spends most of his day in Mr T's cage, playing with his toys and taking naps. He's such a funny bird and my whole family enjoyed him.

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Thank heavens for baby monitors, it allows you to hear Red talking when otherwise he would be quiet as a mouse. Josey is not a closet talker but she won't talk much with other people besides just us in the house.


Glad to hear he enjoyed his visit and he was enjoyed by your family.

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