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Immigrating with an African Grey?

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Hey all,

Not too sure if this is the correct place to ask this question, so sorry if it is incorrect.

I am and have been very interested in purchasing an African Grey for a couple of years but the reason I haven't gone ahead with it is the fact that I will be moving from South Africa to Denver, Colorado in about 8 months time.

Now, as far as I know African Greys are a lot cheaper here (around $300 from a breeder) than they are in the States... How would an African Grey acclimatise to the conditions in the States after living in South Africa. Would it cope?

Also, do you have any idea how much it would cost to put it on the plane to the States?

I would like to get the bird as soon as I can as I have a little more time than I used to to spend with the bird but if it will not be comfortable immigrating than I'd rather wait.


Do you guys have any advice with regards to this?


Thanks very much


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Hi Jonno and welcome to the fourm. Personally if it is only 8 months time until you emigrate I would hold off. For what it would cost you in cargo and qurantine into the states would more than make up for the cost at the other end in the purchase of a grey. It is also much kinder - I wouldn't want to put Harvey through all that fuss unless it was absolutely necessary.


Pack up, enjoy your transition to the states and buy a grey when you are settled and happy in your new home and surroundings ~ you'll have more time to spend with it and more time to enjoy what superb creatures they are :)

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I personally would wait if I were you. You will have to prove that your bird is not wild caught and it will have to have a health certificat from your vet. You will have to put your bird in a US quarantine for 3 months. That means for 3 months, your bird will not be living with you. After only having it for a short time before going thru all this, I think it would cause a lot of stress and confusion for your bird. Others will have more advice. This is my opinion, too wait and aquire a bird in the US. One final note, you will pay for the quarantine and I don't think its cheap.

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Oh wow, a 3 month quarantine, that's definitely out of the question. Would'nt be able to survive that long without my bird :unsure: And that would do irreperable damage at such a long age I'm sure.

Well that answers my question, I'll just wait and get one there.

Thanks to you two for the answers they were very useful. ;)

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Greys can cost anywhere from $600-$1600. You will find a variety of prices depending on what part of the US you are in. I had my bird shipped from FL to MA. There are many possibilities. More important than price, is where the bird comes from. Is the breeder a reputable one, etc. Many things to think about when you get a grey. Is it a rescue and if so, are you prepared to handle it's needs if it has any, do you want a baby?

You have lots of time, read thru the many topics here, research and know what you can handle. Best of luck to you. We will help you anyway we can. Just ask away!!


Welcome to our family! :)

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Welcome :)


I just got my Grey Yoshi from a wonderful breeder here in Florida mid last year. After doing a ton of looking around, I found that the price around here ranges from $800 to $1300 for a baby Grey from a well known breeder.


Don't forget though, your Grey isn't usually your main expense in the beginning! By the time I bought a huge cage, playstand, table stand, a bunch of toys, a big ladder, food, etc etc etc... and then Yoshi herself (for $900) I had spent $2000.


It all depends on how much you are willing to spend for your Grey's happiness, and also if you are wanting a baby. Craigslist has plenty of good rehoming offers, and while rehoming is a challenge those Greys need love too and are usually much cheaper priced... I've seen a couple offers of $300 or $500 and the bird comes with stuff it needs, the loving owner just wants the bird to go to a good home.


It's your decision, but I'd wait :)

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Waiting until you arrive in the US is certainly the way to go. Why put yourself or a new grey through the stress and uncertainty of travel and then being separated for months. You will have your Grey family here to keep you company until you move and there are oodles of information in these threads to keep you busy for months. Welcome to the Grey Family!

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hey Jonno --


My husband and I actually just imported our grey from west africa. (CHARLIE WAS RELEASED FROM QUARANTINE AND MADE IT HOME ON THURSDAY!!! YEAH!!!) I'll write up a long post in a day or so telling all about the crazy process it requires, but it is possible. It will end up costing you *at least* $700, if not 2 or 3 times more, to import a grey. (fees for permits, quarantine, plane, vet, etc... if you use a broker, that's what will really cost you the most.) It adds up quickly. We were told by a friend before we bought Charlie that the process had been simplified, but it was still a MAJOR headache. For us it was worth it though to keep our baby.


quarantine is only 30 days coming into the states. (no going to hawaii though.)


if you haven't gotten one yet, i agree: wait til you're state side.

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Hi Jonno :) Welcome to the forum! Glad to see you care about the birds and are going to wait to get one when you get to the states. You can rehome a bird and probably find one for a lot less money. They are on Craigs list and Kijiji all day long for $500-$1000. Babies are a little pricier, at least they were back when I was looking. I just happened to decide to adopt an adult and I could not be happier with that decision. I hope you enjoy the site and stick around :) We will want pictures once you get moved here and get you grey!

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