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How Salsa got her "Name"


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;) Some of you know how Salsa got her name. For those of you who might not be familiar with the story, please indulge this old man while I reiterate...

On the day that we were bringing Salsa home from the breeder, we were driving down the hill from Kingman, Az. Maggie and I were talking about what to name our newest baby. Salsa had been quiet the whole trip and we were bouncing names off each other when Maggie suggested the name "What about Salsa?". All at once, Salsa began talking, cooing and making all kinds of noises. I asked her "Do you like the name Salsa?" and she continued to jabber away...

How did you name your Amazon? Tell us about it! :cheer:



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I never knew how Salsa got her name. Thanks for sharing that with us. I LOVE this topic idea!!


When we were driving the 5 hour ride home from the bird store with Nilah. We were talking about what we would name Nilah. I have 2 greys, and my son named Talon and Rikki came to me already named. I wanted to be the one who named Nilah since my kids just recently named our new kitten. Our dog came with a name already too...:S

My daighter was on her ipod looking for ideas, I wanted something exotic like in the rain forest. She was suggesting names, Nilah was one of them, it means "one who succeeds and acquires. I LOVED the sound of it, it sounded pretty and sweet for such an exotic and sweet bird. So the decision was made!! Nilah it was!!:)

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Hi Everyone! We are back from vacation and I'm trying to catch up on e-mails. Happy 2010 to everyone, once again, and looking forward to an exciting and inspiring year!!


My Sunshine (Sunny for short) got his name because a) I'm not very good at thinking up names; b) Our 2 cats names both start with S accidentally - Simba and Selini; and 3) when I looked at Sunshine and admire him, the "inner glow" of his feathers really impressed me. That glowing warm green reminded me of leaves in a forest when the sun is shining through them. It's an amazing effect, in places his feathers seem iridescent or even neon!


Sunny_Oct_09_small.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: SunnyBird, at: 2010/01/06 12:00


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