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Sudden love of water lol


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Yoshi has never been a big fan of showers... until today... I don't know what has gotten into her... she had an actual good time in the shower today, getting soaked... and just after that when she had half dried off with me like she usually does, flapping like a maniac, I put her on her cage-top and she dove for the water bowl (or I should say dove into the water bowl!).


She has suddenly decided she loves water... at least today... she played earlier until 3/4ths of her water bowl was all over the cage and floor... and then while she settled down and ate some foods I refilled her bowl and she is at it again! Crazy bird!


Here are some pictures I snapped :P I wonder if this is just a one day thing, lol...



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I'd bet anything that thewater in the bowl was much colder than the shower water and if so, it's not abnormal for a bird to jump into that cold water. A regular bath/thorough misting stimulates a bird to do that. Actually, people get pissed off when a bird does that ( because the bird is now clean) but it's nature that causes it to happen.

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