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New member/grey owner

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I have recently been adopted by a 12 year old grey that was in a bad situation living in a garage. We are learning alot together, In a week we have made alot of progress. Tell ya, he is a real stress reliever!:woohoo:


IMGP1739.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/28 10:04

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Hi & Welcome! I'm very happy to hear you rescued this poor bird. 12 years old, that's wonderful. Things are going well, that's even better. Does he have a name? If you have a photo, we'd love it if you posted it,we really enjoy pictures!! Again, there is lots of info here, and you've joined a wonderful family! We look forward to hearing more. Any questions, ask away, you'll get lots of help here! :) :)

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His name is Yago........ and he is a real treasure. We are working on the no biting thing. He will take treats from my hand and go in and out of his cage to hang out. Last night I had to leave and wanted him back in his cage. so I asked him if he wanted a grape and put it in his cage. he went in........ no stress! yeah! He also talks alot...... but alot of those are shut up, I am going to wring your neck, f--- you. but he has picked up " I am a pretty boy" interesting the things that he is stringing together. Love the burp and the nose blowing! Yago is so beautiful..... no feather plucking!

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Welcome, Tatifish, to the forum family of grey owners, I am glad you joined and congrats on your grey. You are finding out what wonderful creatures they are and I look forward to hearing more about Yago. What an unusual name, how did you come up with that or was that the original name?

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well, going by what he is saying........ it is yaaaaahgooooo. I under stand he is named for the aladdin parrot. as I am sitting here, he climbing around outside of his new, (gently used) huge cage chattering Yaaaahhhhgoooooo is a good bird over and over and over. LOL amazing that he could live 12 years in a small cage without toys other than one crappy old one with out going mad. yes, a quick trip to the store and he has more frigging toys and extras for changing them out. yes, spoiled.

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Hi Tatifish. Congrats on your Grey.

Dan & I recently purchased ours from a local breeder. You can see pics of him in the Grey folder. His name is DAYO, which is African for "joy arrives". That is what most greys are, a joy to have.


My husband is on this forum, "danmcq." Everyone here is very knowledgeable and still learning for the newer ones.



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