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Luuuuvs it!


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The Harrison's that is. His breeders fed Zupreen and he loved that.


But I read so much about how good Harrison's is for Greys, so I ordered some. The second it hit his bowl, he was chowing down.


I mixed some with the Zupreen and he hardly touched that.


I also bought him Harrison's birdie bread and baked him some mini muffins which he ignored.


That may be my fault though b/c I just put a new foraging box in his cage and he was quite preoccupied with that.


Anyway, I'm quite pleased with the Harrison's!

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Well you can forget what I said about Benji ignoring the bread.


I left a muffin in his snack bowl this am and it was completely gone when I came home--not a trace of it in cage or anywhere.


So I guess the Harrison's is a hit overall.

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