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My Owen!


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I would like to introduce you all to my Owen. What a charactor. I cannot imagine my bird room with out him. He is so funny. I dont know where to start on him. I have had him since he was 3 weeks old, hand fed him etc. He was not my number 1 choice but at the last minute just before shipping off his brothers and sisters he became the chosen one. I was hand feeding for a lady. Got a bunch of baby double yellow heads and picked out my favorite. Let her know the band number etc what i was going to keep and then the night before shipping my baby dissapeared. Lordy, lordy we went threw the entire house almost 5ooo sq. ft. Upstairs, downstairs, in the trash cans i thought maybe by accident he flew in the paper mess and was in the trash can. ALl night long i worried myself sick. We could not find this bird. I was not going to alarm the lady i figured i would just have to pay for the baby and get nothing in return. Well the next morning at 10am, i am suppose to leave for the airport with the babies at 10.30 here comes this bird walking into the living room. Well i almost died. My son felt at the last minute lets not keep the chosen one and lets pick Owen instead. He figured if this bird pulled this kind of tricks now it would be a constant concern. So we went for the next bird and that was Owen. I never ever think of him as second best he is the greatest and best bird ever. He will make you so mad and then have you crying with laughter. This is my story on my baby. Sorry if it is too long.



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:P Karma...So good, Welcome, never to long a story or to many photos. A great addition to our amazon flock, please keep the stories and photos coming...How old is Owen now? They are characters for sure....

Jay :laugh: :laugh: :P

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