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A Frightening Accident and Lesson to All.


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I'm glad she's ok. Thanks for posting this and reminding us all how easy it is to fall into a routine that might not be safe. These guys keep us hopping, and we can never truly predict their actions, can we? Love and hugs to you and Rikki, and to all the forum members who have been re-thinking their routines with their greys because of your post.{Love-000200DB}

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So glad to hear you can't see an affected area on Rikki's foot! That means the scald isn't as severe as it could be. Our AV vet also recommended Neosporin creme as well for Beau's chest where he scratched. I know most of the ointment would come off when she perches, but the few moments it is on will offer relief that penetrates her skin. Of course the aloe is what we use on burns in my house, just clip off a piece of the plant and rub it on the burn. Will continue to pray for you and Rikki, I know you've been through a lot in the past few days and your nerves are probably completely raw. Take a deep breath and remember those around you who love you and Rikki and have you in our thoughts and prayers.

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I'm glad to hear that Rikki is ok, you would see some redness if she was burned but it might be a little sore or tender, do as Jay recommended, a cool cloth might just be the ticket right now.


Thanks for letting us know and sharing this story with us, you may have saved a bird's life in the process, love ya.

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