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Lots of work, but I love her <3


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So I spent the greater part of this morning giving Yoshi's cage a thorough clean out... something I do about once a month... and man is it tough! I just had to get Yoshi a huge divider cage, and take out the divider... so from the beginning she has had a huge cage that would do just lovely for two big Cockatoos or something. She loves it though, loves all the stuff we can put in there, and that this huge thing is all hers (as well as the rest of the house lol) and with the doors open at least 8 hours a day, she is free to come and go as she pleases.


Here is the cage link if anyone wants to see it new: http://www.teakwickerandmore.com/AandE-Cage-Co.-PC-4226D-AEC1021.html


So all that effort put into making the cage brand new again, and making the dozen toys, huge ladder, and 6 perches poop free...and Yoshi surely doesn't care at all :P But now, sitting on the couch relaxing with my laptop, I can't help but think that as much work as she is, I can't help but love her to death :) After eating upstairs on top of her cage, she yelled at me several times, so I came to get her and brought her downstairs to her recently cleaned play-stand beside me... and no that wasn't enough... she wanted to be WITH me. So she jumps and crashes into the couch (she can't fly until she knocks out these darn clipped feathers she came from the breeders with, but she is getting braver and braver at taking desperate leaps and flapping madly to reach farther and farther when she really wants something)she promptly crawled onto my shoulder, fluffed up contently, and in 5 minutes was asleep on my shoulder with her foot up and her head behind her :) She is so cute! I gave her a scratch and she gave me a kiss... that 30 minutes of time with her content napping on me was all the reward I needed to know that my time making her life great is worthwhile :)


It's funny because all that I do for her... that's all she has ever known so it's just 'the norm' for her. But that's fine, because she will always have those luxuries :) I'm just 19, and she is almost 9 months lol, so we both have a long life ahead of us!<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/01/04 01:19

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Thanks for posting this comment on how the work is worth the joy you have with Yoshi. I have been thinking on trying again and sometimes feel like it is too hard to think about it. When I read your post, it made me really clarify that it is worth it.

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Jess, I did exactly the same yesterday. I pulled Harvey's cage apart and his playstand apart and thoroughly cleaned them. Whilst doing this I was thinking about those great birds talking on You Tube, and doing tricks - but the viewers don't get to see the dirty and lengthy jobs associated with owning a grey, or indeed any bird. Karma to you, in the hope that this posting will think somebody think twice that it's not all the "cute factor" that you get. :)

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As I sit here listening to Dorian's before bed comedy show, I agree they're worth the work, the money, the anxiety (and occasional bouts of paranoia and worry). Plus, I've gotten to meet all of you and found a place where no one thinks I'm silly because of the things I do to accomodate his grey majesty:P


I remember a few months ago proposing that someone take a video of all the work that goes into keeping a grey, plus all the supplies and food they need, to counter all those cute videos. No one took me up on it. So what do you say, Jess. You're one of the youngest members here, you're of the YouTube generation. Want to make your next major clean-fest a YouTube sensation?:silly:<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2010/01/05 03:26

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sounds like a proud moma to me :) thats the cage I'am going to get Rudy this summer , they have it at my bird store for 429.00 and the owner is giving me a discount so I can get it for 380.00 :)it's a kings cage , yours is to right? love that cage :) I want to get the platnum or a light grey the cage she is in now is black and she is so dark sometimes it's easy to loose her in it lol

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Lol Acappella, I'm not good with videos but perhaps I will give it a try :P


RudysMom: $380 is a good price! I paid $425 for mine and it came in a thousand pieces, took FOREVER to put together. It's worth it now though, and Yoshi loves it. I can imagine Rudy getting lost in the darkness of a black cage :P

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