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Car-Sick 'Too...


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:P Tango (our newest 8 year old rescue Cockatoo) loves to go for a ride in the car. She gets SO excited when we tell her we are going "bye-bye". She will say "bye-bye" in her sweet little voice until we get her in the car. Then she won't shut up LOL...The only problem is, even if the journey is only 5 miles long, she will get car-sick and up-chucks on the way out and on the way back. It doesn't stop her though from loving to go out on car rides...:woohoo:

A little history: before Tango had fledged, the breeder had clipped her wings and for the last 6 of her 8 years, she was cage-bound. Her previous owners were afraid of her. They took excellent care of her though...

the reason they gave her to us was they knew she needed human contact. We are in the process of teaching her how to fly and hopefully she will be able to when her wings. She loves to be held and scritched now and on the first day we got her, Jay had her out on his arm. Her newest trick is to call for Jay when she is in her cage for the night. She then sticks out her foot and extends her talons. When Jay gets up to the cage, she grabs and holds his finger while he pets her with his other hand and she tells him "nite-nite". (Too cute lol)


001-2.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Spock, at: 2010/01/03 02:13

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Tango is such a sweet heart. I can not imagine why people were afraid of her and thus left her cage bound.


She is so lucky to have been given the opportunity to join your flock and thrive, as she already doing.


Karma to you. :-)

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That's really nice. Sounds like you've got a real friend in Tango. Lucky Tango, too.


Sunshine, our YCA, has been on 4 long trips with us so far. During the first 3 trips he traveled in his vacation cage (see the photos in the amazon room)but it took up so much space. He was a little nervous at first but then he settled in when he saw that our daughter and our 2 cats (all sharing the back seat with him) were relaxed and enjoying themselves).


I got the pak-o-bird carrier for my birthday recently and used that in the car this time. He doesn't like it so much due to the space constraints but he was comfortable. On the way back yesterday evening, I let him out after about an hour on the road and he sat on my shoulder and on the head rest above my head for the next 2 hours. He loved being free in the car and was not stressed at all. He was preening himself and my hair, butting in on our conversations, but in the end I had to insist he go back in the carrier only because he was so sleepy and couldn't sleep where he was. He couldn't tuck in his one leg since he had to grasp the headrest with both feet. Next time I will try putting a window perch up to see how that goes.


It was his idea to stay out and since he was behaving I let him. The same thing happened with the cats when they were younger and thus they can travel with us for hours with no problem. They do not need to be caged since they are not afraid or anxious, but used to it and just sleep most of the time.

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You know you can give her ginger root fresh grated for car sickness. I have a friend who told me about this and she had this problem with her grey. Since she tried this she does not have that problem anymore. Good luck hope it works beautiful bird.

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To answer Dan's question, three days after the previous owners got Tango, she was holding her and Tango beaked her arm, she shook and Tango grabbed on with her beak and drew blood. She didn't know that our fids use their beaks to hold on and to climb and she and her husband were scared to death from that day on.

Over the years, they learned about body language and would scritch her through the cage bars. It was hard for them but they took great care of her. :unsure:

Maggie (Spock's in the other room:whistle:)<br><br>Post edited by: Spock, at: 2010/01/07 01:59

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SunnyBird wrote:

That's really nice. Sounds like you've got a real friend in Tango. Lucky Tango, too.


Sunshine, our YCA, has been on 4 long trips with us so far. During the first 3 trips he traveled in his vacation cage (see the photos in the amazon room)but it took up so much space. He was a little nervous at first but then he settled in when he saw that our daughter and our 2 cats (all sharing the back seat with him) were relaxed and enjoying themselves).


I got the pak-o-bird carrier for my birthday recently and used that in the car this time. He doesn't like it so much due to the space constraints but he was comfortable. On the way back yesterday evening, I let him out after about an hour on the road and he sat on my shoulder and on the head rest above my head for the next 2 hours. He loved being free in the car and was not stressed at all. He was preening himself and my hair, butting in on our conversations, but in the end I had to insist he go back in the carrier only because he was so sleepy and couldn't sleep where he was. He couldn't tuck in his one leg since he had to grasp the headrest with both feet. Next time I will try putting a window perch up to see how that goes.


It was his idea to stay out and since he was behaving I let him. The same thing happened with the cats when they were younger and thus they can travel with us for hours with no problem. They do not need to be caged since they are not afraid or anxious, but used to it and just sleep most of the time.




I find most birds love the car but hate it if they are confined Chatot is my new co-pilot:laugh: He just gets so excited when he sees me getting ready to go out he bounces up and down and yells BYE BYE Step up come on lets go. He haes being confined to the carrier though so I just let him it on top of it. He just loves it. He looks out the windows and chatters away. He dances tothe radio and when we stop at a light and someone see's him from the car next to us he always say Hi Hi its so cute I just love taking him with me I'm hopeing by the summer we will be bonded enough to be able to Harness train him so we can take advantage of the nice weather. Tango sure is a beauty Jay & Maggie I love them but my allergys will not permit me to have one.She is so lucky to have such an awsome home with someone who can give her the hands on attention that all Too's love and need.Thank goodness her previous owners finally realized this. Chatots previous owner was afraid of Chatot also but thank goodness she didn't wait 8 years to rehome him. She didn't even have him for a year. She was worried he was going to develope some real behaviour issues if she didn't do something fast he was already picking the feathers on his legs and he's only 18 months old. He hasn't plucked since he's been here so she did the right thing. he will be 2 yrs old on June 6, 2010

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