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i've often thought of letting tigerlily free fly and have come really close to letting her.


boxing day we had a family get together at a church with a large tall hall.


so tigerlily had the biggest flying session of her life.


every time i "lauched her" she'd fly around then fly to the floor and land(not crashlanding!)




she got quite tired bless her and after a while she just flew straight down to the floor and she sulked for about an hour afterwards so dont know if she really enjoyed or not but it was a valuble lesson to me and i can safley say that we will NEVER be trying free flying.

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I would be too afraid to try free flying, although I would love for Alfie to be able to. I think a large secure barn or the like would be good fun for her though. We have a secure lock up which is 1000 square feet and she has fun in there, although doesn't really fly around much - just sits and watches whatever we're doing from the top of the horse trailer! But she does fly down to us periodically just to make sure we're still there!

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As much as Ana Grey loves to be with me, I watch how she watches the doors open and close and how she cranes her neck to look out the window longingly. I know she would love to fly free not even thinking about where her next meal would come from. I'm sure she believes food just appears. It always has so far!!!!

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Blue and Bean are free to fly all over the house - that's about as much free flying as I'm interested in. Dixie has been launching herself and traveling about half the length of the room, she's still getting new flights in so she'll figure it out, but the flying will be restricted to indoors. I couldn't bear the thought of her being gone if she didn't return upon call. Blue does come when called, Bean - he's all over the place but he's only been here about a week and a half now.

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yeah i was supprised that tigerlily didn't return to me. she was probably scared as it was a new place and there were other people there but i thought that would be more of a reason to return to me but then again if she was scared she probably landed wherever she could.


unfortunatly we wont be able to do it on a regular basis so i'll just have to let her keep dive bombing me at home:)

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