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Together at last


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Frankie has finally returned home... After my apartment fiasco two weeks ago, my entire family had a wedding and he had to stay with my grandmother. He is finally back in my apartment, happy as a clam.


When he got back, he did his usual "mating" routine (I don't encourage it), but this time regurgitated up some food (the first time ever). I guess he missed me too... There are no more separations planned for a very very long time.


Stephanie & Frankie

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It felt so long, I had to live vicariously through updates from my parents & grandmother. Frankie is quite adaptable - surprisingly. Although he doesn't let others handle him, he is happy with attention and company. Wherever he goes, they let him out and he is basically king. I heard he was eating like a horse... all sorts of things that I should keep for him, like blueberries, carrots, rasberries, and all sorts of goodies.


Neither my parents nor my grandmother wanted to give him up. I'm lucky to have him back & to have such a good support system.



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