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i had my gery to the vets (not an avian vet as there are none on the island i live on) and he says she has bumblefoot, she has a swelling on the side of one toe and is a bit red ( i have put pic on) shes been on antibiotics for 3 weeks ( first week was hit n miss ) but doesnt seem to be getting any better, next week he wants to knock her out which i am worried about because he said they tape them down to give anestetic and i think this is going to be very stressfull for her, is there any natural ointment i can be putting on this swelling or is it best to just let the vet opperate thanx kate toe.jpg


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The side of the toe is an odd place for bumblefoot to occur. It is normally found on the bottom of their feet.


Did the vet mention or ask what the perching areas are like to try and find what is causing this in that spot of the foot?


There are various ointments that the vet may recommend.


The normal treatment is antibiotics, changing perches, covering bottom grates and sometime lancing the infected lump to let it drain.


Has the vet told you what the plan of action is? I assume since they are going to put her to sleep they are lancing it.

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i did ask the vet about it being an odd place for bumblefoot and he said bumblefoots just a name for any foot infection, he wont give any ointments and plans to put her to sleep to take swabs to send off for testing, im reluctant to let him knock her out as he seemed scared of her when i took her to see him, ( didnt even get her out the cage to check it looked through the bars), im worried about him taping her down to knock her out more than anything as i know it will be very stressful for her, i have decided to ring a avian vet on monday in the uk to see if they can give me some ointment,

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I really hope you can sort this out.

Can I ask has the vet used an anasthetic on a Grey before?

One of my babies had to be knocked out and the vet just towelled him, I wouldnt like the thought of taping him down.

Please let us know what happens wont you and let us know if you need help finding a good Avian vet in the UK.:)

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The Avian vet I have been using for my three is based in Bradford West Yorkshire.

International Zoo vetinary group.

Tel: 01535 692000 or 01274 731299


The vet is a lovely lady called Johanna Storm. Have a look for their website as well.


I was just thinking, I wonder if you could get their email and send them some pictures and discuss with them what they think the best option could be. They could maybe advise your local vet of any treatment/ anasthetic procedures etc.



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I used to have pet rats and bumblefoot is a very common problem in them. A lot of times it is caused by a wound on the foot and applied pressure, or consistant irritation. To treat it in rats they need antibiotics, and i know there is a cream to relieve irritation and help heal. Also the foot must be kept very clean. Obviously they are two different species so i dont know how helpful that was but i thought i'd share. I hope your Grey gets better soon!!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

hi all havent been able to update u but havent been able to log in, i took her to a diff vets (not avian either) and she gave her some anti inflammatories for a few weeks then if no better planned to knock her out to investigate, wasnt keen on the idea as she had only worked on a budgie before, had email back from vet in uk but he wasnt much help only to tell me not to let anyone do anything to her that wasnt qualified to do so, she eventually bathed it and took the scab off herself twice and its nealry healed up now no swelling anymore either, ive read having central heating can dry their feet out and i think thats whats happened as she lost some scales (if thats what there called ) off her feet so if anyone knows of a good way to get humidity back in the room plz tell me :)

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Go to any good drug store and look in the humidifier section. There's about 3 or 4 models. The prices are different depending on how many gallons of water they hold. They can be used as straight humidifiers or medicines like Vicks Breathing Fluid mixed with water can be used for people who have breathing problems. They have no teflon. None of them do. They hold about 1to 5 gallons of water and can be run for 24 hrs straight before it has to be refilled with water. It comes with 3 speeds. They don't overheat. I don't know the UK price but here in the US, they cost about $35 to $40.

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