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What they pick up!


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Harvey doesn't say much in our company (probably recites war and peace in our absence) but one funny thing that is coming through is the fact he will sit and say "Michael" (my husband's name).


I know there's lots of talk about speech recognition etc, but Harvey will say this directly to Michael, never to me - so it makes you wonder really how much they do understand.

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Do they understand - if you were to ask my husband he would tell you they do in more ways than one, but he never expected Dixie to understand the football game we were watching today.


Ole Miss scored after a wonderful 86 yard run by McCluster and Dixie launched into a rousing rendition of Dixie at the top of her lungs. I thought my husband was going to cry - he's been teaching her to whistle that for months and she did it today at the perfect time!


BTW - Ole Miss won the Cotton Bowl!

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Ha Ha Ha! Unfortunately, I must clarify Dan that the reason he hears "Michael" all of the time is for the first reasons you listed - definitely not the last one! I'm married - that all stopped years ago!!! :laugh: :laugh:


Ah, good old Dixie Robin - you'll have to have the video to hand the next time she does it. Nice to hear from you too x

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Out of all of the words my bird knows... and that's only about 5 sadly (at 8 yrs old) she learned my dogs name and all I have been saying to her are the words she knows lol trying to get something out her ( she does talk a lot more when I'm at work I have videotaped her ) so this defiantly shows that they pay attention to everything you do even if your not paying attention to them. So be on your best behavior!!!!! lol And lastly does any one have a recommendation on what bird phonics CD to get to play when no one is home at the house? Maybe one they have used personally not just one they found online please!

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