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Abbys hardest bite yet!!!!


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Long story short Abby was being a little stinker today and I wanted her out of her cage so when I went to pick her up she lifted her foot like normal and then started to fly out of the cage like hahahaha I tricked you. By the time I actually got her on my hand I had some pretty hard bites on the web of my hand between my thumb and index finger. Three total one was actually a lot worse than I thought I was dripping blood on my clothes. I never yelled or screamed or moved violently so she thinks it didn't hurt and this is the first time she has done this since I got her .... not even when I brought her home was she this difficult. What could her problem have been. I have heard its breeding season ... could she just be "in heat" if that is the right term to use, and this be causing her weird behavior .... things were going soo good and I feel like we took a huge step back....! :(<br><br>Post edited by: AbbysDaddy, at: 2010/01/02 04:55

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luvparrots wrote:

Sounds like she just wanted some space. I never chase Ana Grey around. I ignore her or just eat or have something that I know she will want. Her curiosity always wins out and she eventually flys over to me for a looksey or a bite of the "good" stuff.


Your probably right ... does any one here ever have or heard of "breeding season" problems?

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Ok, the honeymoon is over. Your Grey as most will be on "Best behavior" in a strange new environment and people. She put up with you for the last week, now thats done and she's letting you know she does have a space limit, mind of her own and she will decide when she wants up close interaction.


They can become hormonal during breeding season, but I doubt that is what's going on with your grey. She is fully mature at 8 years old and set in her ways.


It does not sound like she had a very good life up to this point. Now you are going to have to spend a lot of time and patience with lots of love to show her she has respect and understanding of her needing her space.


She truly sounds like a wonderful grey that just needs to trust this new home and flock. By chasing her, it ramps up her adrenaline and also the level of aggression she will take to get her point across.


Anytime time you basically chase a bird around to try and have your way with it, you are going to get bit. This is even true of "Love Muffins" that have been raised in a very loving home.


So just hang in there, slow down and know that her initial fear and honeymoon is over. Now meet the "Real" Abby. :-)

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Yes the honeymoon is definitely over and her true personality is beginning to come out and Dan is right on the money and has given you some excellent advice.


Take it easier on her from now on, you will not force her to do anything as it has to be her idea and chasing her will only make her bite you harder when you finally "get" her.


It will take lots of time and patience on your part but the rewards will be well worth it in the end.

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Maybe I will back off when she is in one of those modes ... she is great today growls again when I pet her but it wasn't as bad as yesterday when she was pissed. Its more like a scared one today and very soft .... I had to chase her yesterday cause she was not landing on any thing safe lol ... on the pictures hanging on the walls ... lights (all be it they were cool florescent lights I still don't want her landing on them I haven't got all of them changed yet. Oh well we cant do anything about yesterday just prepare for today .... thanks for the advice on it probably not being hormonal ... and the biting doesn't bother me when it does happen I can take pain rather well. I just hope I don't screw up again and have to chase her around the house ... maybe she will just fly straight to her stand like she did for a few days ... or maybe her curiosity is getting a little stronger since she is in a new place ... she has been in every room but not very much just the bathroom some times and the bed room and spare room to see them a few times. Most likely its just like Dan said and she just wanted to be left alone yesterday. Well Abby is pacing her cage looking at me right now and putting her foot up so I guess she wants out lol .... Im going to take her into the bathroom ... see you all later!

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judygram wrote:

Good luck JR but just because you can take the pain of a bite doesn't mean you should push her to do things she doesn't want to do, you want to gain her trust and you will not do that with force, you have to earn it.


This I do know ... when I was chasing her around it was to corral her not to get her out of the cage. Like I said she was not landing on anything safe. Any who gots to go now and get me and her ready for a bath. Thanks for your great advice guys and keep it coming I will add it to my bank of knowledge and wealth I already own.!!

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You've gotten great advice here. I know it's hard because all you want for Abby is to give her a fantastic life. Also, you read here about all the things other grey owners are able to do with, and for, their birds, and you want all that for your relationship with your bird.


The problem is, it sounds like Abby's life thus far has not taught her to trust new people. Think of her like a foster child that has been moved from one home to another. She's basically in an information gathering mode with you. For the first few days she was on her best behaviour. What that taught her was that as long as she's doing what you want her to, you're very nice to her. So now, like the others said, the honeymoon is over.


Now she's learning what you'll do if she's not so good. Will you yell, hit, towel her, lock her in her cage and cover it, put her in a back room alone . . . who knows what past owners have done. She's not dumb. She knows you're bigger and stronger and can make her do or go where you want. She wants to know what the rules are, where your 'line' is, and what will happen if she crosses the line.


This is when you truly begin to establish your long-term relationship with Abby. I can almost guarantee that someone in the past has tried being dominant with her, the way you train dogs, but this doesn't work with birds, and will not lead to the relationship you want. You have to chose your battles. If she's doing something unsafe, of course you have to get her out of that situation whether she wants to move or not. Otherwise, let her have some control over how she spends her time. If she doesn't want to come out of her cage, let her stay in, but here's the trick. Make being out of the cage with you look like soooooo much fun, she'll decide to come with you. If she is flying to things she's not allowed to, move her from there to where she's allowed to be. If she persists, give her a time-out. That's how you teach her what the rules in her new home are. Here's where the forum can be a big time help and sanity saver. Whatever she comes up with to test you, someone here has been through it:)


She sounds like a great bird, and you clearly want to be her forever home. I really want that for both of you. If you learn all you can, and are patient and consistant, you'll have a friend for life. OK, the sermon from the basement in Ontario is over. :cheer:

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My bird was what someone called a "love muffin" earlier hehe and trust me, he has made me bleed several times. Generally, only if I scared him by reaching for him too fast. I have learned that he apparently HATES coke cans lol Not sure why, maybe the red color. Everytime he has bitten me enough to make me bleed, a coke can was around. Once he was acting really unlike himself and I think he may have been molting because he had a lot of the tiny pin feathers. That was not a fun week. I bled, I cried (not from pain but hurt feelings...lol)I became scared of the beak, he knew it and used it against me. I had to let him just bite the crap out of me and act like it didn't bother me at all or hurt. Once he got no crying or pulling away, he got bored of biting me and since then he is has behaved like the sweet little angel he was before then. Good luck with Abby :) Hope she is in a better mood now lol

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oh the wonderful honey moon period! and welcome to the real Abby!!!!


With Jasper, it's like, oh good grief, ok, I'll leave you alone! They get pissy like humans do and want their alone time... The trick is to figure out those times before you get bit! I have come to say 'that was my fault' (sometimes those times are obvious...other times, not so much)


Good luck!

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