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HELP!! milo ate a wax crayon


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he just ate another one, i dont know where he found it, but i know that one was definatly a full one and maybe it is just ground up. its hard to tell, he chews everything! i have given him a toy now to occupy him, its got a bell in it which he used to be scared of!

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Luckily the manufacturers make wax crayons for the delight of the chewing children population - who hasn't caught their kid with a half chewed crayola?


He won't have eaten it - a little flake may have been consumed - but that will be all. Think about what gets wasted of his favourite treats etc.


I can't think that any harm will have been done - they're absolutely non-toxic, probably producing rainbow poop if consumed in huge amounts! :P


Keep those crayons out of his reach!!! ;)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/01/02 12:21

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I don't think I was encouraging it - if I was encouraging it I would have included a recipe for crayola caesar salad or crunchy crayon croutons!


Rayyan - I'm sorry if you thought I was encouraging this action - I was merely trying to reassure you that your baby will be okay ~ but still hide the crayons!

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The others have given good advice and comments.


One caution on anything that is a non-food item a bird may eat or consume even a small quantity of. It can cause compaction of the crop if it gets stuck. This can lead to life threatening problems for any bird.


I know you did not "Give it to your grey. But, it is a good example of keeping things picked up to protect or birds from harms way. I have left an ink pen for example very early on and before I knew it there was ink everywhere and Dayo had a black tongue for a while....VERY SCARY event.


Anyway, I hope all is well with your Grey today. :-)

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