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1st Amazon!


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:) For those who haven't read this, its a copy from "Rescue". Things were hard on birds back then, still are to some extent...:)This was my 1st amazon...

Mr. B

As a child, I had parakeets, a couple of ducks etc. In 1976, married with children we already had two cockatiels, and a Green-Cheeked parakeet. Going into a pet store, in a tiny cage in the back corner of the store was a sad and sick looking Lilac-Crowned Amazon. We bought him/her with no questions asked. Got him/her home and there was very little info on parrots at that time... Well, we fed him what was available, parakeet seed, sunflower seeds, peanuts, bread, and millet. (wow) His legs were all scabbed and sore, they used to wire their legs to the side of the transport cage so they wouldn't bounce around,[he/she was unbanded] his/her beak was rough from trying to bite off the leg wires.

I built a open stand for him(?). We named him Mr B. He would just sit there, he'd stare and make no sound.. We all talked to him in happy voices, soon he would take a peanut or sunflower seed from my hand. I put a long ladder from his perch to the back of our couch, he would move across the ladder (about four feet) closer to the couch each day, we're talking months. I sat at the far end of the couch, it was an eight foot couch. Eventually after many months and a lot of personal work with him, he got to the point where he would stand behind my head on the back of the couch. He would stay there for different lengths of time. When he was done, he would mosey back to his perch.

One day he stepped off the couch onto my shoulder and took a nice bite of my ear and drew blood. I didn't yell, nobody that was watching yelled and he stayed there. From then on, it was just a matter of training him to step up and step down but the terms we used then was just get up or get down. Eventually. he would go to people. He never did whistle or talk but he turned into a magnificent bird. In all the time we had him, he was never in a cage. Unfortunately, we had to move across country where pets were not allowed so we gave him to a good home where he seemed to adapt to the man right from the start. He was our first amazon and our 1st rescue of many over some 33 years that we have been working birds.:)<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/02 00:37

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That's such an insight into how it all started for you - and obviously how the good work has continued. I really think that it gives "food for thought" that it's not an overnight thing acquiring birds, and from your story it is clear it was a long, drawn process.


Thanks for this ~ I really enjoyed reading such a sad tale turning into such a happy ending! :)

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What a wonderful story of just a "Glimpse" of your past Jay.


Back then there was no internet and hardly any books what so ever on parrots.


You and family are such loving and giving people to do all the work you have done to save and protect Parrots.


A good example for all to listen to and follow.

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