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Hey guys, Sampson has been sitting on his perch in the cage and he leans over and raises his wings. it looks like he wants to fly but when i open the door he wont come out. also i saw 2 wing feathers on the floor they havent been chewed i think he might be starting to molt, the next day he had a little spot on his chest that looks kind of scruffy. how would i know if he is molting? i have only had him for a week tommorrow.

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Sounds to me like he's just stretching. I call it birdy Tai Chi. As for the feathers, just keep an eye on it. Dorian's molting right now as well. Does Sampson let you give him scratches? Maybe not, as you've only had him a week. If he does, you can feel pin feathers coming in, and if he's molting you'll feel alot of them. Just be gentle, as they're very sensitive and sore. Will he let you give him a bath or shower? If he's molting he'll be itchy and spraying him with aloe vera juice can help, but having him only a week, you have to be gentle and take things slow or he might not learn to trust you.


It would help to know how he was treated in his last home. I read in your previous post that he was in a garage with alot of breeding pairs but in a cage by himself. Did he get attention from his owner or was he neglected or ignored? Did she bathe them, does he know what toys are, did he ever get time out of the cage? If he was in a noisy garage and not given one-on-one time, just think what a huge change has happened in his life. You and I know he's better off with you, but it might take him awhile to figure that out (and by awhile I mean weeks or months:)) Just the change from a noisy environment to a private home may be stressful for him. Take things slow and avoid the temptation to change everything in his life at once. The first thing you have to have is his trust.

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Accapella gave good comments and questions.


All birds lose primary flight feathers on and off. It has nothing to do with bi-annual molting. However, as Accapella stated, most all parrots are molting right now to some extent losing the small downy and normal feathers.


It would be interesting to hear, if you know, more about how he was actually treated. :-)

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well he was her pet for 3 years then she moved and put him in the shed for the past 2 yrs. i believe when he was in the house she spent time with him seeing as he knows how to step up. but in the past 2 years i belive he was confined to his cage all the time. dont know about the bathing though i would guess not cuz he hates baths. and for toys he couldnt care less havent seen him so much as touch them. his diet was mainly sunflower seeds which i have changed. i had a behavoralist come out yesterday. we got him out and i got to hold him for about 2 hours for the first time before i could get him to go to him cage. he didnt let me scratch him or pet him but i got to hold him, awesome.

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oh my! Thank goodness you have him now! Sunflower seeds and neglect for 2 years? how awful!


my cockatoo is molting right now and is... GRUMPY! lol... so, maybe on top of everything else if he's molting...he could just be more ... um... looking for a word right now! nervous? no...but something like that.


He was like, I'm finally out of that blasted cage!!!! no wonder he didn't want to go back. Is he fully flighted? Or clipped? maybe open the door and let him come out on his own...just kinda do your thing with the door open and he might come out...


With the toys, i found I had to put the toy outside of the cage (like on the dresser which is 1 foot away from the cage) and leave it there for a week...then I could move it closer and finally put it in the cage. You might have to mock playing with the toy for him to go...oh, that's what I do with that!


Good luck! like Summerc25 said...once he comes around, he'll be so much happier.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope things are progressing along well with Sampson. Tell him I'm sorry I held his feet when we met last week, I didn't mean to literally step on his talons like that.


He's a sweetie pie, but he's still getting adjusted to your space. Oh here is the cage I think he'd like: http://cgi.ebay.com/24-x22-Play-Top-Bird-Cage-for-african-grey-macaw_W0QQitemZ230428807446QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item35a6a09116

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