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Beau & Argyle - Home Alone!


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With yesterday being new years eve we took the liberty of spending the day at my parents' house. We left our house at 11.30am and went to a new year bash from the said parents' house. We must have got home approaching 2am this morning.


I felt a little guilty leaving the birds alone, it was the longest I had left them for and I admit I thought about them often. I knew they had each other's company and I had left the radio on low and they had plenty of food and water.


When we arrived home the fids had obviously missed us because they both greeted us with tired chatter and came over for scritches, we then covered them for the night. I was a little concered that there might have been a few fireworks set off nearby - something I hadn't given a thought to. Anyway I just wanted to reassure those parrents (such as Caroline who worries terribly about leaving her greys) that they will be just fine if left for up to 24 hrs and they will show you they have missed you. I wouldn't want to do it very often though ;-)

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Oh yes Jules, thay can cope occasionally with a little of alone time and may do them some good to not have you there all the time. I know you felt guilty and that is normal especially for women, we are notorious worriers but you left them with plenty of food, toys to amuse themselves and some background noise so pat yourself on the back and now you know you can do it again sometime.

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Ha Ha Julie, you know me too well lol.

Well I did the the birds last night and had some Human time which was really good! We also got back around 2 am, the birds were fine. I gave them extra toys etc and left them with plenty to do.

I have to admit though, the party was across the road and I kept coming back for a check:P You will never change me I am just a big softie when it comes to my babies:lol:

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