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New Year's Resolutions


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I'm not sure if this is practiced all over the world, but here in the UK we make "New Year's Resolutions". My only successful one was made in 2000 when I said I would stop smoking - 10 years down the line, I'm still not smoking.


This year I have resolved not to drink alcohol for the full month of January.


Does anyone else have a New Year's Resolution?

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Americans make "New Year's Resolutions" also and one of the most popular ones is the one to loose that extra weight but like most of them they start off with full steam and then sort of fade as the weeks and months go by.


Jill you must drink fairly regularly if you resolve to not drink alcohol for the whole month of January, if thats what you want then I hope you succeed.

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To stop treating a large bag of Old Dutch potato chips like a full meal.


To eat a least two servings of vegetables a week!


To drive by a Tim Hortons without going through the drive thru (Canadians will understand that one)


and on a more serious note, To give myself the time to do some of the projects and crafts that calm me and express my creativity.

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Judy, Judy, Judy, don't ignore your hunger, eat 5-6 smaller meals per day. Just watch WHAT you are eating, stay away from refined sugars, starches, etc. Eat more protein, fruits and veggies! DRINK MORE WATER!!!!!!


Fun Fact: Do you know if you starve yourself to try and lose weight, your body will actually hold onto the fat and let the muscle go.......you will lose muscle first. :pinch:

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