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Hi Everyone,

Well, I just purchased my first AG. He is only 10 weeks old and just as cute as a button. He was supposed to be on two handfeedings a day, but has digressed back to three. I've already had him to the vets and she pronounced him very healthy. I thought I had done lots of research but was taken back a bit when I heard no mirrors in the cage, and that I should make him a little cave for him to hide in case he starts feeling vulnerable. I didn't know that he would scratch at the paper like does, nor did I know that he would sleep on one foot. I know these are little things, but they don't mention them in the books or articles on line. Anyway, four days and learning alot. He seems to be adjusting well and is getting braver by the day. What a joy. Anyway, just thought I would share. If anyone has any other suggestions or can share the little things that greys do that they don't mention in the books, I would love to hear about it. I almost called the vet about his foot until someone told me that it is a grey thing.

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Hi Christina,


My CAG took several months to really settle, but a noticable difference occured when i moved his cage into a corner. Apparently they feel more secure with two or more walls adjacent to there cage where they can see what is going on wothout any suprises. Of course it must be an area where they can still interact with you on a continual basis. I am glad to hear you have a TAG and will be intersted to here how he progresses.



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Tag's are great. And ya parrots sometimes stand on one foot.

While yours is still a baby it may sleep on floor of the cage too.

Make sure all perches are low to the ground as they are prone to falling till they get older.

A "nest" area is a great idea. Feed him as long as he keeps asking for it.

Do not force wean it can cause many behavior problems even later on in life.




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Hi Christina, Welcome. There is a lot of good information here based on experience from many members. If you have the time, read as much here as you can. You'll learn a lot that you won't find in books!

I;m glad you joined our family. Looking forward to seeing photo's if you have any. :cheer:

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Thank you for your welcomes. An AG is definetly different from our B&G. He is sooo much more reserved and nervous. I did pick the boldest of the bunch, but he is definetly taking his time. I know its only been a few days, and honestly I have been working for most of them, but he sooo much more complicated than the macaws. I knew that, but I guess you don't really comprehend until you have one.

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Hi Christina,


One thing to consider also, is that at 10 weeks old, he is very, very young and all in his sight is new, scary and unfamiliar.


Dayo was reserved and cautious as you describe at 10 weeks. Week 11 he was more exploratory and Week 12 he's come to realize if something is put in front of him by the breeder or us, it must be something that is safe. :-)


Now we have to watch him every minute to ensure he's safe. Much like a human baby that starts exploring everything :woohoo:


Thanks for updating his progress!

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Guest Monique

Hi! I would not give your Grey a "little cave to hide in". As long as they feel secure in their cage that should be adequate. Having a box or some other "cave" within their cage can encourage nesting behaviors when they mature. The one-legged thing is how all parrots sleep - I don't know why.

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Talon has had a happy hut that she loves to sleep in every night. She crawls right in it when I put her in her cage and tell her it's time for night nights, and leans her head up against the side when she sleeps. She stays there most of the night. I would hate to think I have to take it away from her when she is older, she only uses that cage and hut to sleep in. She is never in it other than bedtime.

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