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need urgent help PLEASE


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my grey had been ill for the past few days, it started with diarrhea, i though he got a flue and started him on antibiotics, but it didn't get any better, the bird started to urinate, called the vet and he said may be the bird has a worm, and gave him medication on that base, yet the bird didn't come any better, but worse, less balanced, less appetite, and the shock when he started vomiting, he had been on the same medication for about 3 days now and he almost didn't eat in the past 24 hours. now i think its a heavy metal poisoning, from what i read all the symptoms fit plus the dark green poop. the problem is there is no avian vet here, all specialized in dogs and cats. if you think from the symptoms it may be the heavy metal poisoning then please tell me how to treat it?

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OH, I am so sorry to hear this. I don't have any experience with this. Your bird needs to see a vet. Here is a link on others that have had this happen.






good luck and please keep us posted. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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eek can you get an Avian Veterinarian by phone? What heavy metals do you suspect he might have been exposed to? Can you get a little Gatorade or Pedialyte in to him? I do know some of the Vets over here recommend P-nut butter and a non iron oatmeal mixed together to help bind the metal fragments and pass them out of his system. You bird cannot wait and needs medical help ASAP. here is a copy and paste list of Avian Vets worldwide, hope you can get him some help.

World Wide Avian Vet Listing

World Wide Avian Vet Listing. 134 US Vet Listings currently on file in 121 cities. ... Have an avian vet you really like? If you will send us his/her name, ...

www.parrotpro.com/avlist.php -<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/01/01 04:46

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Please stop treating your bird with best guess medicines. I know your intentions and actions are warranted. But, they could actually be making him worse.


The others have given the best advice. I don't know how far the closest avian vet is, but you need to get your grey to one immediately for the tests necessary to diagnose what the problem is for correct treatment. Time is of the essence.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/01 13:57

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Adelt, I see that you are in Amman. I live in Muscat, Oman and havethe same problem. No avian vets.


Please do look around, since an avian vet is your best chance. If not, try one of the vets. Check if they have some experience with birds.


I would not give my African Grey medication based on guesswork. Try Greywings suggestion. Oatmeal and peanut butter will not have any negative consequences.


If nothing else is possible, please keep your bird hydrated and handfeed him with human babyfood gruel or if you can get it baby parrot food gruel. feed it slightly warm. Also keep your bird warm and in dim light. Ensure he is stress-free and away from noise and bustle.


Hopefully he will recover. Keep us updated. My prayers for your Grey.

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Adelt, you must do what you have to for your grey and if that means traveling some distance to get him the help he needs then you must do it, your grey's life depends on it. If you aren't a vet then do not self treat your bird as you could do more harm than good.


You need to consult an avian vet now ASAP for birds hide illnesses until they no longer can, time is of the essence and I hope your grey is going to be ok, please let us know what you find out. I will keep your grey in my thoughts and prayers.

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thank you all for your kind replies, as i mentioned there is no avian vet here at all, just vet's. i called another vet and he came by today and he decided like the other 2 previous vet's that he has cold and flu, so we are switching the medication for the third time in less than 5 days, the reason i contacted the new vet because he didnt get any better on the 2 previous medications not even on his appetite, so he gave him a shot in his chest, i hope he is right and he know what he is doing, told me he will need a shot every 48 hours. wish us luck.

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You and your grey have my prayers.


I hope you see a change for the better today, even if it is just the slightest for the better.


I can only imagine the anxiety you must be experiencing.


Please keep us updated on how he is doing.

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hello, thank you all again for your feelings and prayers, he didn't make it. he passed away few hours ago. i cant imagine the mornings with out him talking all over the place. i will certainly miss him more than i thought... what is killing me that i don't know why or what caused it. i hope it wasn't my mistake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so sorry and I feel very deeply for you too. I lost my Alex - it will be one year in February - also very suddenly, no avian vets in Greece either, the vet I took him to examined him but did not tell me that he was dying - although I think he knew. He died on my chest covered by my jacket in the car on the way home from the vet. I will never forget the death spasms. That helpless feeling is horrible. I wasn't going to get another bird but I'm glad that I did. It has not changed my feelings for Alex but it has given me back a lot of joy.


Elena - zoi se sas

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