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Spock Speaks


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:):) Spock here: Well, this is a fine state of affairs! Jay is over there with those Greenies and all Salsa does is yell, eat and play...sheessshh! She only says "Step up"....I can talk! I'm still the Flock Leader! I've gone where no bird has gone before (Jay's head's...talk about Klingon's!) I'm still the smartest and I am the only one who can fly and land on a dime with 9 cents change!

I can say "Hello", "Good Morning", "Cool Water" and when Maggie asked me if I wanted to have a time-out when I was bad and biting her, I said "Hell NO!" and flew off. (Buddy taught me all the bad stuff). I don't think I will say that again...Maggie was a little upset. (I guess you know who wears the pants in the family.):P

Joey is so smart that now, instead of just saying "Gimme a kiss", he says "Joey wants a kiss". Joey taught me some of my words and he may be smart but I can do a Vulcan Mind-Meld with Jay when I am on his head. (at least as long as his hair lasts...it is getting pretty smooth up there.) Maggie's hair is a jungle and she always has neat toys to open and play with. :evil:

Uh Oh...here they come...got to go...

Live Long and Prosper




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Oh Jill, quit your belly aching, its getting kind of old now.:whistle:


Spock looks great Maggie and he tells quite a tale, I love those stories of his and I like the way he has his left foot talons sticking out in that second pic, thanks for sharing these with us.

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Spock, your Vulcan heritage is coming through. I know you desire to a logic, uniformity and tanquilitiy.


But, the aliens your are living with is a motley bunch of Yahoos.


CAUTION: Do not mind meld with the other aliens they call birds. It will jeopardize your logic and reason.


Tap Jay for all he's got, but leave the rest alone.


Headquarters out...... :P

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Thank you all very much for your comments. Dan, thank you for contacting me from headquarters. What you speak of is only logical. I guess being around these Yahoos tends to bring out my emotional side. I will strive to contain myself.

Spock out...

Live Long and Prosper

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