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Sorry Everyone I have not deserted you. My Computer is on the blink and It won't be back from getting fixed until the 8th or 9th of January. I miss you all so much I'll be home soon. I'm useing the library computer at the moment and I will try to stop in for and hour or so when ever I come into town but thats the best I can dotil I get my Computer home. Hope everyone had a wonderul xmas and happy New year to everybody. I have so much new about Chatot I will do a complete update when I can. Love you all talk to you soon

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Pat, I wondered where you have been, I thought you were just busy with the holidays and all but those computer problems are a pain aren't they. I just recently got a new desktop but I also have a laptop so I am never without a computer.


I hope you had a good Christmas and you have a very Happy New Year, I look forward to hearing from you when you are back online.

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I was just thinking about you yesterday Pat - great to hear you are fine and that's it's just a technical hitch! It's difficult to believe we used to cope and carry on with normal life without a computer!!


Take care and have a Happy New Year - new photos once the computer is up and running please (I miss my fix)!!


Jill x

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