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UGH - Get one or two CAGs?


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Ok, you know how it is when your around babies :laugh:


As you all know we have already purchased Dayo.


But, there is one other Baby from a different clutch one week behind Dayo's that always comes and sets on myself or Kim when we go over and visit Dayo.


This last Saturday when we took Dayo back to the Breeder. He went into the Cage and him and the Female (other clutch CAG) touched their heads together and Dayo just closed his eyes and stayed in that position with her for a while. :-)


So, I know this will bring several different opinions, but what if we took BOTH home?


As I have read here, we run the risk of them deciding they like each other better than us. Also, since we would just keep them both in the same Cage, they may end up as a pair once they reach that age and produce babies.


So, what are your thoughts, other Family members?


I already said NO, but I figure I owe Kim (My Wife and DayosMom) the option of hearing opinions other than from her "Dumb Husbands" :S .... I will give Karma to anyone that say's NO ;)

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I'm always leery of getting 2 birds of the same clutch let alone species cause I'm afraid they will bond to eachother, which it sounds they have. I think it wouldn't be as hard to keep up if you had them seperately caged. So I guess it depends if you plan on housing them together or seperately. If seperately, heck why not if you can afford it, if you plan on housing them together I'd personally lean towards no, just my opinion!

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Hi Loviechick,


Purchasing an extra cage wouldn't be a problem.


But, they are already so friendly with one another, if we left both their cages open at the same time, they would end up in one before long probably :-)


I really agree with your NO response too :-)


I think just Dayo can consume all the spare time we have :-)


But, I'm giving my Wife a fighting chance here :-) although, she's not really fighting...

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As long as they have their own cage for times they are not out and for night and you dont let them breed I dont see a problem.

But if you keep then together its not just a risk its pretty much a given they well bond and not be near as tame. And may even use human talk less.

And you'll have to throw out any eggs they may produce.

Inbreeding is never a good idea.

They have some really nice double cages out there so instead of two cages you'll have one with a divider in the middle.

They sound so cute together but when they get all grown up they may not be so cute together then.

As far as time goes since they are nice to each other they can be out together so the only extra time well be mostly cleaning and making food. But there is double the expence for food, toys, vet bills, ect....

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Thanks Tari,


They are from Different Clutches and Parents, so inbreeding would not be a problem.


But, you just confirmed what I posited, in that Dayo would not be as close to us if we purchased the second Grey.


So, right now, It's just Dayo in my mind :-)

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I vote NO, for a variety of reasons, but it is a tough call...pros and cons to each. I think that Dayo will be a better pet bonding to you and your family if you have him solo. However, life may be better to him with a member of his own kind to be with. Really tough since it sounds like they are already exhibiting a bond to each other... :blink:

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Guest Lidia


I know it's hard to resist the babies, they are too cute for their own good. But you definitely won't have as a close a bond with Dayo if you do get the female. There is a clutch bond now, but Dayo will become independent from the clutch, just as he will become somewhat independent from you.

I say no, stick with Dayo. He will be fine in your household.


Kim, bribery? Tsk tsk tsk ... :evil:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/27 11:24

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Hi All,


I appreciate all your feedback and reasons for keeping it to just Dayo. :-)


Your reasoning makes perfect sense. I put a weighted value of 99 percent on your expert opinions based upon the many years of experience you all have with Greys.


Now, I am reducing my wife's Karma for trying to bribe you all into voting her way. :angry:


I commend you all for maintaining your integrity under heavy pressure of personal gain :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/27 11:40

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Guest briansmum

oh so tempting, but i agree with the genral consensus, dayo has been waiting to come home with you for ages, give him the most amazing home you can, im sure someone will come along and give the other baby a lovely home too. seriously... could you imagine going through the terrible twos with TWO CAG's.. no thankyou.


maybe bring dayo up and then when he is older you could think about getting another, that is what i am doing with Brian.


of course, if you really do have to have this baby now (and no one would blame you ;) ) even though they are from dfferent clutches so inbreeding wouldn't be a problem, it would probably be best to have seperate cages.


thought i would add my twopenneth :) good luck in making the right choice.

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