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grey's and loud music

Guest Spectatrix2

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Guest Spectatrix2

My grey seems to love music - the louder the better. When the stereo is on taxidoodles seems like she's competeing - who can make the most noise. Do others have similar experiences?

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Guest phishbook

I keep saying that you will be welcome to visit if you ever come over. In fact I will bake my famous chocolate cake as a special treat. Goes down just nicely with a cuppa tea, and then we can go and visit all my other birdy keeping friends too :0)

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Guest javacrypto

YES - lol! We have great music parties and dance and Bey "sings" and dances...whichever birds are still in the bird room also join in...the word that comes to mind is "cacophony" <G>.

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Guest MorningDove16

Absolutely! My TAG really enjoys music. And he really seems to enjoy all kinds of music - classical, bluegrass, old rock, R&B, blues - it doesn't seem to matter. I think his favorite is a band called the Canadian Brass. And the louder, the better, so he can "sing along".


Bass Wishes from South Florida


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Just remove the spaces, fix the last part, and so on.

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Guest javacrypto

Steve your page is hysterical!! Now I REALLY have to cross the pond. so I can meet Geordie and Cuppy both! Makes me wish I were in the UK, it does...

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