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Hi Everyone,

I've been lurking around the forums for a while and thought I should introduce myself. Next week I will be getting my first Congo African Grey. She is two years old and very sweet. Her current owner, while I believe had the best intentions has kept her in the garage, in a cage that is far to small with no toys. She is in good health and a beautiful bird and she was very well behaved when he took her out. She comes with her cage, and I assume to make the transition easier she should keep living in her current cage in the beginning, but I have bought a much bigger cage, how would I go about introducing it? I have read the posts about introducing new toys by playing with them myself and having them in the room so she can get used to them, but I'm not sure how to introduce her to the new cage, or how soon I should do it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi and welcome to our family. It's great that you are giving this poor bird a better life than it is used to. The poor thing will think it's in luxury. If it's not been used to toys etc then it probably will be scared and timid. It will take time and patience to get this bird to accept you - as everything will be brand new to it (and you!). Time is of the essence - patience is of the immediate order.


I'm not sure about the cage - I've had Harvey since he was a baby - but there are many members who have been in your situation that will be only too willing to help.

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Welcome eternalnewb!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


You are on the right track in keeping her in the present cage. Simply place it next or near the new cage if possible so she can become used to it, venture on to it when interested and leave the door(s) open so she can climb in to it.


Find out what her favorite treats were like grape, apple, almond etc. and pace some in clear view of her when she is showing interest in the cage.


Place new toys at a distance from the present cage and watch how she reacts to them.


The most important thing to do is take it slow and easy letting her come out of her shell at her own pace. Greys are very cautious birds and you do not want to lose trust by trying to force her in to something she is not ready for.


Thanks for taking in ta grey in need of a better home and I hope to hear updates and see photos as you get a chance. :-)

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Hello Eternalnewb and welcome to our family and congrats on getting a new to you grey, its great that you could give Yuki a good home.


I would continue to use the same cage for her when you get her home as it will make the transition to your home easier for her, you can leave the new cage nearby so she can get used to it being around and move her into it at a later date.


Do read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We do love pictures here so if you have some of Yuki you would share with us we would love to see them.

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