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Bathing tips!


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I just made sure the water was a nice temperature and turned the water on low so it didn't spray hard on shaka zulu. He still does not LOVE bath time but he tolerates it lol Just use reassuring words too. Like I tell him "its okay" and hold him close to me when I am getting the water ready. He does not freak out but I can tell he is ready for it to be over lol Then I tell him how pretty he is when we are done. He likes that a bit hehe<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/12/30 03:41

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Don't try and video her until she's comfortable taking a shower! You'll have enough on your hands trying to calm her into accepting the shower ;)


Let her hang out with you on the shower rail and take in the steam of the shower - then you could invite her nearer to perhaps be "sprinkled" with a bit spray. Talk to her all of the time reassuring her.


It can be a long process - it can be quite a quick acceptance - all greys are different.


She may not like this and you may have to resort to misting her whilst in her cage! Good luck! :)

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Kip also prefers cold water baths. We take her in the shower with us often (me in morning, wife in evening) where she sings etc and has fun in the steam rising. Sometimes we get her under the actual shower stream but she does not like it all that much. She prefers to bathe in her water bowl or other bowls we offer... ;)

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Abby bathes in hew bowel but from what I have read and from watching her bathe in her cage she doesn't get nearly clean enough complete saturation of certain parts of the body is best so I take her in the shower. I have left her on the floor of the shower while the shower is on and I have left her in the bottom of the tub with a little bit of water and some tubing for her to stand firmly on ... she seems to like me bathing her myself best holding her on my hand and taking her in and out of the falling water from the shower head.

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