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Rearrangement of furniture


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I'm well aware of how Greys can be phobic about new things, but yesterday Shanti started flapping and shrieking when I took him out of the cage. He seems to have been flipping out about the repositioning of a chair from one room to another. He's seen the chair a million times, just in a different spot.


Have others seen this kind of behavior often?


I moved the chair back and he was fine.

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All greys are different. I change things all the time, that might be the difference I'm always moving this or changing that so she is use to it. Her cage has never been only hers as I have cleaned it and moved things around from day one. Her cage has also be moved around the house several times in the last year. Same with my eclectus.

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I find it is better to let them see you move the furniture and I did the same thing with the Christmas tree, Josey watched us bring it into the house and set it up, she was somewhat upset but not for long as I was telling her its ok. She didn't flap all over her cage but you could see the difference in her eyes and she got used to it real quickly.

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So true Judy. When I move Ana Grey's cage she is usually in it. I have laminated floors so I just remove the skirt and roller the cages from corner to corner, room to room. As for toys, I just change them when Ana Grey or Sully are watching. The same with household furniture, the fids are usually sitting on a boing or hanging perch watching me work away. We are going to have to have a family meeting about that, they should be putting the shoulder to the couch as well!!! :lol:

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Thanks for all the feedback. Shanti was in the room when the furniture was moved. I'm beginning to revise the theory though. He may be a little spooked by the whole idea of moving away from his cage. I thought it was the furniture because he reacted when he past by it (on my hand), but now I'm thinking he's just afraid of me taking him from the living room to the kitchen. I'll keep working on it. I've been away for a few days so it's hard to know what may have upset him while I was gone.

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This is the only thing that Harvey takes any notice of - new furniture or a new vase or something like that. I can remember reading a thread about this miles before I got Harvey and everyone saying what Janet and Judy are saying about letting the bird watch them move it. I sat and laughed and thought "what a bunch of idiots - that's going a bit far". But, lo and behold - those "idiots" were correct!!


Harvey accepts things much better if he watches me unbox and place things - except for the new hoover - he doesn't like that at all!!! :laugh:

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