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Unfortunately my African Grey managed to fly out of the back door in May 2009. I have done absolutely everything to get him back, even offering a £1000 reward as an incentive to anyone who may have decided to keep him or sell him on.


I had regular sightings until the end of November 2009 and as you will recall the weather was extremely mild for the time of year.


I was unable to track the parrot as he never seemed to return to any of the gardens he was originally spotted in, despite me leaving them parrot food to put out.


Most of the sightings were near a local wood and I believe he was roosting there and venturing out into nearby gardens during the day to find food.


I am now fearing the worst since our recent cold spell (although it was much milder in london where I am), it still dipped to freezing and the snow layed for at least one day before thawing.


Does anyone know if my parrot could survive the cold?


Or does anyone know of any other parrots that have managed to survive for months in the wild before being caught.


I have a new baby grey oscar, whom i purchased in August, but it doesn't take away the pain and grief of losing my chez.


if anyone can offer any advice I would be most grateful. IMGP1803_resize_resize.JPG


Post edited by: tiffany858, at: 2009/12/29 19:10


picture of my beautiful Chez<br><br>Post edited by: tiffany858, at: 2009/12/29 19:48


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Tiffany, I'm so sorry your beautiful grey has gone missing. You must still be terribly upset. The earlier sightings were cause for optimism but now the trail seems to have gone cold. I agree we have had a terribly cold spell here but luckily the south east and south west were warm in comparrison to other places, it hasn't gone much below zero even at night. He could just have survived. It really depends on if he found good shelter or has been found by someone who perhaps hasn't seen your ads. If he has been in a wood - that is quite a well sheltered area. I believe that the hungrier and colder he got the more likely he was to seek out human contact. Parrots have been found after a couple of years I believe though I'm not sure about in the UK. Never give up hope though. My thoughts are with you.

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Yes, your grey could survive in the cold and wild. There have been other Greys that have and some were found and at least one other Grey I know of (member of this forum) Grey has chosen to remain in the wild and visits their yard for food they leave out at night.


Never give up, as you obviously haven't. It is also possible your Grey finally decided to contact humans for a better life than in the wild.


It's is good to hear you have another and yet still pine for Chez. :-)

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There is an Amazon which escaped from its owners quite near me about two years ago now. There have been many sightings of it over the past two years in the park near where it went missing - but evades capture every time, and is indeed not tame anymore. It has survived the Northern winters (normally up to -5 or -6 each year) for the past two years.


I do feel terribly sorry for you - and I am so glad that you haven't given up hope. The fact that you have had no sightings since the end of November may mean that he's just "gone to ground" and is keeping warm - venturing out only when weather allows.


I hope that you do find him soon though and that he returns to meet his new friend ;)

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