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Considering Getting a Grey...please help

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I'm a single guy that works second shift. The local Humane Society has aquired a bird and I put myself on the list of possible recipients. I'm very curious how much interaction they need daily. I work 12 hours a day sometimes and I would have to leave him/her alone daily for 9+ hours. This really seems like the pet for me but I'm worried about leaving him/her like that. Please post any sudgestions or questions to help me along w/ this decision. I really want the bird to have a good home and I could use a buddy.


I'm not sure how old the grey is either. I know the owner prior was a single male like myself. Has anyone had a similiar transitional situation?


Please help.<br><br>Post edited by: Redderick77, at: 2009/12/29 06:56

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Hello Redderick and welcome to our family.


Greys need at least 4 or more hours of out of cage time and some one on one interaction with you every day, as long as you can provide that then I don't see a problem.


Be sure to provide plenty of toys and foraging opportunities to keep him/her busy while you are gone.


Others will chime in with more suggestions and ideas for you and please read thru as many of the threads here as possible to gain as much knowledge as you can before you actually bring him/her home.

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Hi mate greys need alot of time and care 12 hours is a long time to be left on his/her own. I work days 9-5 and my cag is fine with that but as soon as i get home he is out of the cage till bed, there all not the same some one will be along soon to give some help but i think 12 on its own in the cage with no time out is a little to much :)

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Hi Redderick - welcome to our family. As mentioned, as long as there are lots of stimulating things to do for this grey in his/her cage then you are able to give the "out of cage time" that is needed (every day) then this shouldn't be a problem.


This bird obviously needs a good home, and if a little length of time on their own is all they need to worry about - then I'm sure you will do a fine job.


There's loads of interesting information and help on how to keep your bird stimulated in order that they don't cause themselves damage - and everyone here is available to answer any questions you may have. Keep us updated! :)

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Welcome Redderick!!


It's GreYt having you here.


You are asking the right questions before going and getting a Parrot. The others have given good comments regarding a parrots needs.


They are highly intelligent and become a loving member of the home flock with time and patience that ensures them they are excepted and in no danger of harm or abuse.


Please do consider it a life long commitment, as these birds live very long life spans up to 80 years for large birds like Macaws and Greys average around 35 to 50 depending on exercise and diet.


They need a large Cage, plenty of wood chewing and foraging toys to keep them busy and happy while you are gone at work.


The most important thing is out of cage and quality time with you when you are home.


You do need to know, that friends will not view your parrot, for the most part, as a family member. Most will view it as a menacing loud and nippy creature they would prefer you keep caged due to their fear of it.


There is a ton of information on this site regarding parrot care, training, diet etc. You can easily find topics by simply entering a keyword search.


Please watch this video as well that explains very briefly of how intelligent these sentient beings are:




Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hi Redderick. Only you know if you have time for a grey. Others have given you great information about greys and their intelligence and needs. So of the free time you do have, how much would be available for a grey? It is obvious you love animals or you wouldn't be concerned. So what is your available schedule for an intelligent grey? Welcome to the Grey family. I know you would be a great parront if you decide to make the commitment.

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