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Finally some pictures of Francis


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Finally I have some pictures of Francis.


Does anyone have any pointers as to how I could make his cage more easily manueverable? Since he is mostly plucked and his nails are short, he has very bad balance. He has fallen twice that I have seen and it just makes me cringe when he does. What can I do to make things safer for him until he gets his balance back?

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What a cutie! If you want to, put something in the bottom of the cage (like a towl) for a softer fall... put the perches lower so it isn't as far of a fall.


Also, if he has trouble on regular perches, you can buy a 'corner perch' or two. Here is a link if you don't know what I'm talking about, although you might be able to find one cheaper than that elsewhere:



Give him time, and he will do fine :)

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Awww, poor baby. He will blossom under your loving care. :-)


Perches that are not smooth and round will give him better grip, as Jesse mentioned. The nails once grown out will also help tremendously. It is advised to never trim the nails too short and just knock the needle tips off when they start puncturing your skin. I know your not the one that did, but just thought I would mention it for future reference.


Thanks for sharing these photos.

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How long should it take for him to get his feathers back in if he doesn't start plucking again? Today is day six of him being with me and he has more down than he had when I first brought him home. He only has a bit of naked-ness on his chest now. He has three more red feathers than what he had six days ago, too.

I typically don't trim my birds' nails unless they really need them. So far I have had good luck with a cement perch in each cage. Don't worry though......Francis' cement perch was taken out of his cage before he went in. As soon as I seen how short his nails were, that was the first thing that popped into my head.

He is a hoot to have around!! I am enjoying him tons! Each night he surprises me with something new. Last night he was talking up a storm- hello, come here boy, stay focused, gimme a kiss....mmmwah, hello beautiful, and a**hole. It was all fun and games until he came out with that last one!!! I was laughing inside but I didn't want to react to it and encourage him. :) and when the phone rang last night he said hello like he was answering it.....lol. I can't wait for him to settle in completely.

I am working on a playstand for him for his out of cage time. I spend time with him on the floor playing with balls and legos and stuff but he needs somewhere to be when I cannot play with him. I will post pictures of it when I am done with it......hopefully tonight or tomorrow night.

Sorry for such a long post.......its kinda like a book! :)

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I've had Talula 6 months. She is still mostly naked on the chest, almost a full tail, still see her elbows on her wings (they aren't scabbing however thanks to the bathing) and there are grey feathers on her back but still mostly down.


It takes a while.


Just wait. They speak even more.


Talula has surprised me by bursting out into a chorus of "Good morning pretty bird, pretty bird talula!, Taluuuuula, Taaaalllluuuuullllla, come here talula, step up, pretty bird step up, come here, come here, pretty birdie" and on and on and on... all things she's heard in my house since moving in.


She also answers the phone and answers the other parrot who rings like a phone, and if he rings again in a "new" tone she answers in a "new" voice.


She's even mimmicing his rings now.


It's like having cell phones with minds of their own sometimes.<br><br>Post edited by: ecodweeb, at: 2009/12/29 19:57

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His feathers missing doesn't effect my loving him!!! So if he is a fluffy/naked bird for a while thats okay. I had company the other night and he did very well. He was even dancing with one of my cousins. :) left him in his cage dispite everyone asking me to take him out. I figured he would feel safer in there than out here with all of these people.

He started bobing his head up and down like he was giong to regurgitate for me twice yesterday. I know it was a compliment, but im still glad he didnt actually do it. to say the least....im glad he likes me!! :)

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