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Dear Friends:

I am a new member , I am from Mexico city, and I really want to breed African Greys, I really love this bird, is amazing, I am in this forum because I want to learn every day .


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So glad your going to learn before you get started. Breeding can be rewarding but keep in mind you wont make any money. lol But it is so great to feed a baby and see it grow to become a well adjusted adult and go to a great home.


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Welcome, Jesus, to our family of grey owners, and how long have you had the pair of greys? Interested in breeding greys are you and like Tari said it is no money to be made just the joy of feeding little ones and watching them grow and then leave the nest for new homes.


Maybe you can post a picture of your pair of greys, we love to look at each other greys.

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Jesus, welcome to the Grey forum. It sounds like you enjoy your birds very much. What made you become interested in breeding Greys?


I can't wait to hear all about them, and could you post a pic for all of us here??



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Dear Friends:

I really enjoy the African Greys, because many years ago I breed Yellow head Amazon and Yellow Nape Amazon with success but I was really interested in African Greys , I imported some from Belgium and I sold them all, and now one friend of mine give me as a present 2 Handfeed African greys, they are of different parents and were surgical sexed, I have them in a cage and try not to get involved with them as I want them for Breeding. I now that you dont make any money on the contrary , you sometimes have to put of your money to this hobby, but is a super experience to breed this birds.

Now I am trying to buy more greys because I want to have more pairs, unfortunately I cannot import any more due the Influenza , and here the breeders are so

crazy, they want so much money for a baby , they want over $ 1,500.00 us dlls per baby, they are crazy, but they want to make bussiness with them. they want to make money .

Your friend


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Jesus, you do whatever you think is right and that's your decision. But will having many Greys and you deciding not to get involved (with them) have a negative effect on these creatures and deprive them of something they all (the 'captive' ones) seem to need so much in order to feel comfortable: attention and belonging?

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Fairy I think what he mean by not getting involved with them is that with breeder birds they are not pets and in most cases the less humans bother them the better off they are.

My quakers get cleaned, food, water, toys and any medical attenion they may need but I don't bother them if I can help it. Breeders need privacy and need to be parrots. Tiels and budgie well breed very easyly in our homes but many other kinds well not. And need to be left alone as much as you can.

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Dear FairY:

Maybe I dont express well, when I import the Wild Greys a few years ago I sold them to many breeders here in Mexico, now with the ones I have I dont want to Bother them, because I want them for breeding pourposes like Tari said, They recive all my attention, toys, food, water, cleaning the cage, etc, but I dont touch them, when I received them I instantly put them in Their cage, I hope you understand.



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Oh, I'm so sorry guys (all of you who's involved in breeding) :blush: But then I think breeding is rather cruel. Why wouldn't one become attached to the parents? The babies: OK I understand. But the parents who are with you all these years? I hate to sound blunt but sometimes I don't have the lexicon to express myself, so what I'm gonna say now, don't take it as an attack or criticism because it's only the way I feel but: aren't they in that way like 'breeding-machines'?

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It not that Fairy.

Many parrots like quakers and a lot of wild caught just get way to upset if you try to keep them tame. I know with quakers you have to cover three sides of the cage and not open the nest box or they well eat/harm the babies.

I don't see breeding as cruel at all they have each other and any other birds you might have as company. They are kept clean and happy. Not keeping them tame is something that would happen anyway cause they are paired up.

Breeding is not fore everyone but it is not cruel. Not to say there are not cruel breeders out there but Jesus does not sound like one of them and I know I'm not.

Breeders are needed. Many of our parrots are disappearing out in the wild and without people breeder there would be none.

Also no one would be able to own a bird at some point if it were not for breeders. In the US bringing in wild caught is not legal and if we didn't have caring dedicated breeders over time there would be no more parrots for us to own.

Never said I wasn't attached to my breeder quakers. BB and Betsy. But I they are no longer tame. And yes I get attached to the babies I tame them and spend a lot of time with them just not their parents.

Breeding is not for everyone but it is not cruel.

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I see where you are coming from Tari, if that is what the birds do if disturbed in the nest box then by all means you have to leave them alone. And it does not mean you don't care for the breeding birds but you have to maintain the safety of the babies and if that means you don't handle them like you would your pets then that is the way it has to be.


I think FairY speaks in terms of our birds as pets and companions but the breeder birds may not be able to be both pets and breeders at the same time. Yes breeders are needed and I commend you Tari for doing what you do, I don't think I could do that, I much prefer to have my birds as my companions and be able to handle and love on them.:)

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Okay, thank you for your explanation, Tari. It was not meant as criticism (as I stated) it was just the feeling I got when becoming aware of the 'leaving apart' bit. I take it that indoor breeding is about the same as zoo-breeding (seen some wonderful documentaries about a special kind of U.S. eagle that were on the brink of distinction and brought back by zoo-breeding in CA)-


I hope Jesus also didn't get the wrong impression. In NO WAY was I criticizing you, Jesus. It was an overall feeling I got when reading about it as I state in the beginning of this post.


I understand now and agree you're doing a great job, Tari and Jesus - although I got to admit, this wouldn't be 'my cuppa tea' - like Judy writes as well :)

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Dear Fairy:

Of course I dont have a wrong impression, you have points of view as many people have them too, Is good to write what you feel is right, dont worry, I never feel bad, the only thing I can tell you is thanks, for make me part of this Forum.

Your Friend


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JESUS wrote:

Dear Fairy:

Of course I dont have a wrong impression, you have points of view as many people have them too, Is good to write what you feel is right, dont worry, I never feel bad, the only thing I can tell you is thanks, for make me part of this Forum.

Your Friend



Got your karma up by one for this B)


I just love balanced liberal people ;)


I'm happy you joined here, Jesus!

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I think since 2001 or something like that, but it is not difficult once you know your way around and you achieve that by posting and interacting with the members. I thought like you when I first came here and now I am the leading poster. Don't be afraid, we don't bite , but some of our greys do.:) :) :)

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