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All those Amazons


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B)No stories? Amazons...there are approximately 27 types of them, around 12 of them are endangered. What experiences have you had with Amazons? Happy, funny, sad, training, raising, nutrition, questions, give or receive help? Any Amazon subjects, photos is what we're all looking for. These are wonderful creatures....if you have more than one bird or different types, how do they compare?

Let's share....

Jayd :)

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Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Me first!!! :laugh: :laugh:


I have had Nilah (YCA) for 2 months. She is 8 months old. She is such fun! She can say, "FIRE FIRE FIRE! WOO WOO WOO WOO!" She yells, "HI BIRDS!" which is what I do whenever I walk in the door. She says "hi Nilah", "Your a good bird", "you okay?" and she laughs like I do. My 2 greys can say what she says and mimic her amazon call. She is incredibly outgoing and such a big show off. When ever a new person comes over, she lights up and shows off all her talents! She was the hit of the party on xmas with the relatives. ;)

The only thing she is afraid of is the vacume cleaner. Anything else you show her, she loves instantly!

Well, that's all the bragging for the moment...as you can tell, I adore her! :)


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One of my family members has 2 amazons. They went out of town once last year and I babysat them for a week, this was before I even had Ecko and I thought they were the coolest birds ever! They were very talkative and said the funniest things. They picked up my cats meow while they were here and it sounded so much like the cat lol. If I were to get another bird it would be an amazon! ;)



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I am owned by Sunshine, an 8 month old yellow crowned amazon male. He has 2 kitty cats who are 9 months old and Selini, the female Himalayan cat follows him everywhere. Sunshine prefers her to Simba, the male Persian, probably because he's also a male and let's face it, males are more "act first and think second" lol :laugh:


Anyhow, Sunshine hasn't learned a lot of words yet, he's practicing though. So far I have deciphered what seem to be the words "good boy" (his favorite) "ella doe' (come here - in Greek) "hello" and my daughter's laugh - that always brings on a chorus of laughter from all of us. I sing to him a lot since amazons love music and he's all ears - especially with "You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine" and "Sex Bomb" by Tom Jones which I've converted to "Wet Bird". That song is reserved for showers and it always gets a big reaction (bobbing and strutting).


We have lots of fun every day and he craves interaction. Since I get home late I let him sit on my shoulder or on his boing in the kitchen while I'm preparing dinner. Lately he has discovered, when he sits on my shoulder and sees something interesting in my hands, that he can grab onto a lock of my hair with his beak and do a Tarzan swing onto my bosom to have a closer look! It's really funny but I have to be on my guard to keep him safe. :)


I hope to take better pictures but for the time being I can share these:


Hi I'm Sunshine!



Here's my old cage and my cats!



Here's my new cage - much better!!! Of course, it's full of toys now. This was the first day I got it.



Here are my pets, Selini and Simba



Selini likes to stick to me like glue. I love her, but sometimes she can be a bit annoying, especially when I'm trying to tickle my moms' toes...





That's all folks!!<br><br>Post edited by: SunnyBird, at: 2009/12/29 12:03


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