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so far so good i like your forum, people seem very friendly and helpful here.


i am awaiting my CAG from foster/rescue so i am working on learning all i can before he comes home.


big daddy and i are somewhat active in animal rescue, our fraulein inga (german shepherd dog) is our beloved rescue and all our katzen were foundlings.


so we are pretty excited to open a new chapter in the rescue book at the monkey house!


full story when our birdy comes home. don't want to jinx anything you know.


oh here is one little question for discussion. do we change our birdy's name when he comes home? i know it is customary in dog rescue to do so but wonder what is the opinion in birdy rescue?

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Hi Sandra and Welcome!


It sounds like you have quite the menagerie there in your present rescue. I also wish to thank you for providing such a loving and important service!


I can't wait to hear about your new CAG.


You could rename the CAG, but you might want to see how attached he is to his present name also.


They are very intelligent and would pick up on your words and actions when put together in relating to the fact that you call him something different :laugh:


Thanks for joining. You came to the right place with many members that have an extreme amount of experience for advice.

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Sandra902, WELCOME to the forum. You are a blessing to any animal you adopt.


Dan & I have adopted and supported Doberman Rescues through the last 6 years. We love Dobermans, and they are very intelligent dogs. Right now we have two Dobermans, one Conure, and one Grey. Doesn't sound like much, but they keep us very busy as they each want our undivided attention.


Can't wait to hear more about you and your Grey,


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Sandra, welcome :)


Good luck and lots of fun with your Grey. I hope he will come 'home' soon. I'd also like to hear how Fraulein Inga takes to him. German Shepherds are very sweet and caring (!) dogs, so that would be terribly interesting :)


I also would like to salute you on the rescuing work you're doing. It always feel so good to know there are people that not only care, but also active practising that care :)

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aw shucks guys thanks for the warm welcome!

inga knows she is to be sweet to katz, children and birds. i do allow the guilty pleasure of keeping the back yard squirrel-free however (she just rushes them and watches them scramble up the trees). but with the mulberry tree which gives an abundant feed to all the neighborhood birdies and the seed feeders outside, she knows "no no birdy" and so does not chase them. they are even getting a little used to her and do not immediately fly off when the back door opens.


early on, at an office i used to work at, there were geese at the retention pond. she, at the time thought it was great fun to rush them and see them fly off in a flapping honking display. but then one day a big crane was standing in the water so she could not see how tall it was. she thought it was a goose and when she rushed it, the crane held his ground and extended his wings to which inga did a cartoon-style full stop, turned around and returned to mamma quite taken aback. she didn't think it was quite as funny as i did.


but she truly is a sweet soul and very caring to the smaller creatures (except squirrels ha ha ha) so i am eager to see how she and CAG will take to each other. as long as he accepts her all will be well as there will be no trouble at all in her accepting him.


and it is so easy to help animal rescue, can't take a lot of credit there really. we do what we can and feel good about it. just small things here and there. i know i could not take the heartbreaking parts of rescue but i can do the fun stuff! sounds a bit selfish i guess...

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I have two rehomed parrots and found the book "The Second-hand Parrot" By Mattie Sue Athan to be of great value when dealing with my rehomed parrots.

I was lucky enough to met her at a AFA convention a few years back snd she is a wonderful and caring person.

Also grab you all the up to day Grey books you can get your hands on. And it goes without saying read every drop of out forum.

Any one that is willing to take on a second hand bird is a hero in my eyes.


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Sandra that's such a funny story about Fraulein Inga and the crane :laugh: I wish I could have seen her.


Doing the fun stuff of not fun stuff doesn't really matter that much, as long as animals in need get helped by it. After all, you do not HAVE to do ;)

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