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Returning after trip and absence


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I just got back from my first trip away from Shanti. I spent 10 days away and really missed him. He stayed home and my wife took care of him.


I was a little nervous about how he'd react when I returned. He was very happy to see me, cooed a lot and wanted to be cuddled and petted. It was very emotional for both of us.


I was really touched. I expected him to remember me, of course, but I guess I wasn't really sure how much a Grey could miss someone, or what sense they have of time elapsing. Did he fear abandonment? Was he relieved? Could he "worry" about someone?


Have others had similar experiences?

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Hi David ~ we went on holiday for two weeks and left Harvey with my parents. I was worried about my return too - and I was reassured that things would be fine. I was told that Harvey would either stick to me like glue on my return, or be a bit moody, but then come round.


When we went to collect him (nearly as soon as the plane landed!!) he jumped onto me and his beak was firmly nuzzled into me!


They are very, very intelligent creatures and I think it would take quite a bit to make them "forget" the good and the great in their life. Harvey enjoyed his time at my parent's house, but was very happy on our return. :)

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Hi David! It's GreYt hearing from you. :-)


You posited the questions:


Did he fear abandonment?


A - There is no doubt in my mind he wondered where you had gone and if he would ever see you again.


Was he relieved?


A - I think he was both excited and relieved to see you back home once again.


Could he "worry" about someone?


A - Yes, in my opinion


Have others had similar experiences?


Yes and thats what I base my opinions on, is observed behavior.


My wife was Hospitalized last January for 9 days. Dayo was very needy, constantly looking at all the places my wife sits in various rooms and when he would hear a car pull up and door close, start pacing, looking at the door and chirping in anticipation of "Mommy" walking in. He was more loving and interactive with me than normal and would sometimes just sit for hours preening and seemingly "reflecting" on where she was.


I would constantly tell him mommy was in the "Hospital" and that she was "Ok" and would come home. He would listen intently with eyes pinning studying my facial expressions, tonal fluctuations and mood with very intense interest in trying to understand what I was telling him.


Whe she came home from the hospital, he could not contain himself and stuck to her like glue for several days. She could not go anywhere without him chasing in hot pursuit, land on her shoulder and go wherever she did. If he could not, he was very apprehensive, chirping and fly back and forth wanting to get to her behind a closed door for example.


Another example: I work out of town 4 to 5 days a week. When I come home and get out of my car. I hear him doing a contact call only he and I do very loudly and I return the call as I am walking up the driveway and in through the garage. The minute I walk in, he is sitting perched on his cage right next to the door and hops on me the instant I walk in the door.


He then sticks to me like glue as I unpack my bags, change into comfortable clothes and put stuff away. He is truly happy to see me and missed me.


When my sons or family come down once or twice a year. Dayo recognizes them and flies to them right after we have all greeted each other and says "Hello and Welcome" in his own way by landing on their shoulder and lightly touching their cheek with a little "Lick".


He will not do this to new people he is not familiar with. he will sit and study them at a distance.


So, I will leave you and others to come to your own opinions about my thoughts and experiences with the questions you asked.


But, my belief is that they miss us, just like we miss other humans and that the memory of others stays with them their entire life.

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