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Treat Question


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I completely agree that the main diet MUST be centered on healthy foods. But I would say that some "treats" on occassion are fine. Birds are omnivores and enjoy unhealthy things just like we do. I have no problem offering them sometimes, but it MUST be in moderation. I guess we all have different levels regarding how much deviation we will allow our beloved pets to stray from what is currently considered the best diet for them. ;)

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Well I know what junk food has done for me and I don't want that to happen to Josey, so if she never has a potato chip then she does not know what they taste like so therefore she does not know what she is missing. Maybe that makes me a mean mommy, so be it.

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Guest Lidia

I agree with dblhelix. A little bit of junk, not anything like on the scale WE consume, does no harm. Joshua has the odd chip (French fry) and the odd crisp (chip?) but only one and only now and then. He also has a bit of breakfast cereal if I'm having some and drinks a little of the sweet milk. He's doing just fine because his basic diet is a healthy one.

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Yeah well, Ceasar is just like his dad.. He loves candy.. :blush: Ceasar's favorite treats are Twizzlers. He will do just about anything for them.. In fact Twizzlers would be a great treat for Ceasar if I were gonna do any kind of serious training with him..


It's really funny watching Ceasar eating twizzlers. He doesn't drop one crumb.. :P He is so careful not to miss a single morsel. You can't believe just how neat of an eater an AG can be when he wants to be.. In fact, I would go so far as to say you can tell just how much a Greys likes what he is eating by the amount he or she allows to drop.. :P


If you try twizzlers with your bird understand they will be pooping RED the next morning.. This scared the daylights our of me when I first saw it.. Also, you really only want to give your Grey about a 3 inch section of the twizzler.. You really don't want him to eat a whole one..


There ya have it..



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Guest Lidia

CeasarsDad wrote:

Ceasar's favorite treats are Twizzlers.


CD, what's a twizzler? My favourite sweet is the old mint imperial and Joshua, by a strange coincidence, would sell his soul for them. Is the twizzler your favourite sweet?

{Emotions-00020070}<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/28 11:52

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Guest briansmum

i tried google and i the only thing i found was a forum saying they weren't going to be supplied to anywhere in the UK anymore :( was just wondering if anyone had found anywhere.

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