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Sunny is mellowing, finally!


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That is as far as one grand daughter is concerned. Sunny, my sun conure had taken a strong dislike toward my oldest grand daughter, lunging towards her if she got too close to me, actually bit her on her lip a couple of years ago and has never liked her since.


Well yesterday she has toned down some and has allowed her to pet her on her head and no longer lunges toward her, doesn't really want to go to her but she is not being aggressive around her. I have explained that she is being more receptive to her since she is listening to what I tell her about being so loud and quick, she is 8 going on 9 years old in the spring so she is old enough to listen to instructions.


Now Sunny is acting the same way to her much younger sister who is 3 years old for she wants to just come up to her and immediately touch her, Sunny wants no part of it so she will just have to wait until she is older. She has actually flown over to her and landed on her back to bite her but she only got hair.


Josey wants nothing to do with either one of them, in fact she doesn't much care for anyone else but me and sometimes hubby.

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Aren't they funny Jude! I think I was fooled into thinking all parrots must be like AGs but they aren't are they. The AGs have to be one of the most placid of the parrot family, Argyle has been an eye opener. I guess for those of us that have always had other parrots, this is considered the norm.


I'm so glad that Sunny is mellowing towards your grandaughter.

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It's good to hear you older Grand Daughter is listening to your wise advice Judy.


I have the same issue with both my birds and the GranChildren. They move fast, act stupid and heck, even hurt themselves doing it. :P


No wonder our birds are wise enough to know they are a threat. :-)


My oldest grand children ranging from 12 to 16 all can interact with both birds and even Jake the suspected wild caught conure will fly to her shoulder now. :-)


Now - I want to see some phtoo's of Sunny!!! :-)

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In time all of the birds and kids will get along as the kids mature, LOL. My girls are in college and it has take three years for them to not be scared of Java. I can't blame them, she has a beak like a can opener. She has just now gotten sweet and will go to any member of the family. She still gets a wild hair and will viciously bite my husband occasionally. I tell him I am sending her sign language, just do everything I say and no one gets hurt. LOL.

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I have to watch Harvey with my youngest niece (nearly two). She is absolutely fascinated with Harvey and doesn't understand the "if I poke him, I will get bitten" rule. Therefore, he gets caged when they call. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him (as with any animal and children)!


On the other hand, Harvey has started taking a liking to Katie - she's 15 and Harvey loved her at the start - and then bit her. This week he's taken to flying to her at every opportunity and just sitting, looking at her - which she finds unnerving and I remove him!


All in all, they've got a mind of their own!! It's how they want it, when they want it and only IF they want it!


Great that Sunny is calming down a bit Judy :) :)

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