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Well I took my first bite from Francis


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......and i lived. :) He bit me three or four times before he stopped and I didn't pull my hand away. I told him a very firm 'no' and left him alone for about ten minutes and ingored him dispite his effort to get my attention. He was dancing and making all kinds of noise to get my attention. When I went back for round two he stepped up like a perfect gentlemen. :) it did hurt, but it wasn't as life ending as i thought it would be. dont get me wrong tho......i am not looking forward to the next bit. I am sure that wasnt the last.

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Those bites do hurt. You will learn very quickly how to read his body language and avoid them, rather than take them. :-)


You have done a wonderful thing in taking this grey in that just needed a good loving home to help him see that life can be good with the right humans.

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Be sure that there will be many more. Did he draw blood? Rishi has bitten me softly and firmly and very hard. I know the differences between the bites now and most times I know what he is telling me. But he has never drawn blood.....yet !!!


You handled that extremely well and I am sure you will establish a mutually respectful relationship.

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Oh yes......he drew blood on the last bite. He bit down one last time and ground his beak into my finger. He meant business, but so did i! :) I have company coming over tonight so I don't think it is a good idea to take him out. Today is only day four of him being with me so I don't want to overwhelm him to much. If I do I am sure he will be sending another firm bite in my direction. :) But its ok......I still love him!

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Ouch. I am sorry you were bitten but impressed that you hung in there with him. I like what I have read about greys being subtle communicators that resort to bite to get their point across when other forms are ignored. With an older grey, he learned his ways before he knew you. So, your response has started a new chapter in his life. It kind of reminds me of kids from divorce learning new rules in each house. You and Francis are ahead of the curve starting those new rules. Congrats on your patience.

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Clearly, I don't have a crystal ball to know the situation but if you leave a bird in a cage in a room and don't put your hands in... voilla, you will never receive a bite. You are courageous and willing to try new things. A bite says, not yet, but doesn't mean never. You will learn Francis' body language and when to give him space, when to press forward to try new things. It does take a lot of time and patience. It sounds like you really are making good progess, just learning boundaries for Francis. Good luck to you both.

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