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Show your fids' Christmas gifts


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Ok I'm gonna start this thread because I'd love to see what other owners gave to their birds for Christmas:






Beau's present which was rather large, I thought he might be scared of it - he loved it!




They both had an octopus pinata - Beau's was bigger.




They both had a "holly wreath" - Beau's was bigger.




Argyle's "frog"<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/12/28 20:28

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Hey check out what I got for my birthday!!!!!!! (related to thread if you look below....)


Anyone have one of these? I can't wait to try it out on Wednesday when we will be going on vacation to our trailer in the country!




I also got this really nice wristwatch with an amazon on the face - the strap is leather, it looks quite elegant, actually... my friend Ginnie got the CAG watch below...






Lastly, I got the Amazon parrot Christmas tree ornament (actually that was a Christmas present). I wanted to show it off only because it's hand made and really pretty. Unfortunately at this time they don't have an African Grey ornament. I got the watches and the ornament from Avian Enrichment. They were really helpful in fulfilling an international order.





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Well, where I'm going is in the mountains near the sea and it's currently fluctuating between 6 and 16 Celcius (42 and 60 Fahrenheit) in the daytime. Not as cold as by you, for sure, but still, Sunshine's not used to it and often we can't get our car back up the hill when the road is wet so we end up leaving it at the top of the road and carrying our stuff down and back up. I tried that once with Sunshine's heavy travel cage (24 X 18 inches) and I don't want to do it again! {Feel-bad-00020066})


In the Pak-o-Bird, however, I can zip up the panels if it's too cold and I'm sure he'll be alright for a short time, plus I'll keep my arms in my sockets! LOL


Here's a photo of our "home away from home".




This was taken recently - there's rainbow in the distance if you can make it out! Those are clouds rolling in from the sea which is underneath... Yes this was one of the perks for moving to this country. There's a ski area at the top of this mountain where I hope we'll be having a snowball fight and sledding in a few days!<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/12/28 14:55

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Thanks! I put the Pak-o-Bird together today and tried to get Sunshine to go in but I guess he was grumpy cause it was past his bedtime and he didn't cooperate to well.... I'll try again in the morning when he's all for scritches and upside down wrestling ;) .


Hope to have some good pictures to post after the 6th!


Happy New Year to you all!


Renate and Sunshine

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