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Abby Is in her last home!


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Well I just got Abby an 8 yr old CAG and she is wonderful .... a little shy and miss handeled when she was younger but she is comming around to me very fast. Faster than i thought. Any ideas on how to make her more vocal or when she does get more vocal after she is adjusted how to postively reinforce it and let her know that talking is good and I want more of it ..... she does make a stupid "smoke detector chirp" thats her favorite noise .... she mostly makes noises when your not in the room or not paying attention to her but its never for very long ... she does talk but hasnt since I moved her in to my new house from her old owner ... any ideas? Thanks for your time and help

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Congrats JR on getting Abby home but give her some time to settle in and feel comfortable and then she will become more vocal, your patience will be rewarded. She will probably make all kinds of sounds and that smoke detector one is a favorite, my Josey loves my timer sound and she repeats it a lot but you get used to it, you have to if you are going to have a grey around, you take the bad along with the good.


Time and patience is about all the advice I have for you, good things come to those who wait.

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When I got Stazel she would only talk when we weren't in the room. It took her a while to start talking in front of us, and she still won't talk around stangers or company.


Just talk to her a lot. Every time we passed her cage we would say something to her. Now everytime we pass the cage she says something to us. (which we usually get a "woooo ohhh" when we pass by, which is to cute)

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You know what is sad to me, that she doesn't talk for very long when you are not in the room. That kind of makes me think that in her old homes maybe no one came when she kept talking so she gives up quickly. My sweet bird talks his head off when I am not in the room including yelling 'come here' in a loud, whiny voice lol What is so funny is he creates his own tones that he says things in. I tell him come here in a soft voice instead of saying step up. That is where he learned the come here, but he put it into a whiny yell to get my attention. He says that and calls my name etc until I come. He knows I will come so he keeps calling me.


Also, It just takes them a few days to settle in. I think most greys are very frightened by change and new things. I know Shakazulu thinks that anything knew is just going to kill him or something. He freaked out when he saw the Christmas Tree lol Just keep giving her love and attention. When she talks and you are not in the room, go in the room and talk to her. That will let her know that she is getting your attention and she will probably be like mine and talk constantly.


Also, he has a tv in his room so when I am at work he watches tv all day and he has learned some new words and things that way. Keep us posted :)



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