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Now that I have Nilah. I absolutely LOVE Amazons. They are incredible creatures!! I am curious how many members here have amazons.

Please if you would, share with us your amazon, age, sex, how long you've had one, their talents, when they started talking, what they love to do, etc. I love to hear all your stories! And pictures if you'd like! We love them too!! :woohoo:

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:) Guess who, Our lady is Salsa, shes 10mo's[?] old, female, just started saying "step-up". Hand fed her and 3 others. Her favorite pass time is eating and going in Joey's [CAG] cages and playing with his toys....Joey let's her play for a while than nips her tail.[lol] Salsa is on a no nut diet.

Thanks Talon, karma

Jay and Maggie


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In early December I saw an Amazon for the first time. There were three, but one was just amazing. I loved her eyes. She was hanging and swinging and playing and talking and was just a baby. She was also for sale with two of her siblings and I went home and thought about it, subjected it to my three week rule of emotional objectivity... and I still want to go back and find her.

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Sunshine is my 8 month old male yellow crowned (or fronted) amazon - Amazona Ochrocephala. Double yellow headed and yellow naped are all part of the same sub species and considered to be the best talkers along with the blue fronted. The YCA is not supposed to be quite as adept a talker as the others, but the YCA's temperament is said to be sweeter.

During the time I've had Sunny so far (4 months) we have had only good experiences, although it's true what they say, an amazon can get over-stimulated during play. At that point just don't touch him and let him calm down a little. They really love to have fun, and do all kinds of acrobatics like hanging upside down by one leg from your finger and foot wrestle with you while on their back.

I'm lucky to have a trusting bond with him and it's fantastic. I hope it will always be that way. He preens his tail feathers and stretches while on my shoulder or hand without a second thought. He's also very curious - that can get a bit tough sometimes because amazons are voracious chewers. It really surprised me how much this bird can chew without getting tired. Always looking for something new to try out....and persistent, too!

As for the showers, those are great fun. The sillier you are with him, especially singing to him, the happier he gets. He loves music, which is also common with amazons, and lots of different noises can get him chirping, like the sound of running water, or singing loudly, like the vacuum cleaner.

He's starting to talk and I really hope he manages to learn a decent vocabulary. It will really add to the fun.

Here's a photo of him today during a spray shower on top of his cage (which I was washing). You can see how much fun he's having.

Sunshower_sm.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/12/26 22:52


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Sunshine looks so happy after her shower - she's posing as if to say "ta da". She's also very beautiful dry!


Salsa's gorgeous too Jay - they are beautiful birds and I was in two minds whether to get an amazon when I chose Harvey. Perhaps my next one.... (like I could cope with two birds)!!

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What a wonderful thread you started Penny. :-)


The photo's others have contributed so far are a joy to see.


I almost rescued a DYHA before deciding to get my Grey. The rescues are full of them due to uneducated people (in terms of Parrots)buying them like they do puppies. Then when the baby grows into an adult that becomes more aggressive and starts biting, they dump them.


They are a very gregarious species, as most new world Parrots are and fear nothing it seems. Thats what makes them such a wonderful "No Fear" creature thats game for anything.


The last birdmart we went to, had some Zon's. As we were sitting outside taking a break and enjoying the beautiful day. A family came out rolling along a new cage with a DYHA in it. As it rolled down the walkway, each time they passed someone. The Zon would gleefully say " Hieeee, Hieeeee, Hieeee" in the thrill of being on it's way to a new home in a large cage.


I look forward to following this thread. :-)

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