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Fipo in the rain!


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Hi Gang,


I made it back from Europe w/o major incident. Nice trip, but not a great vacation...saw lots of beautiful stuff, met many nice people etc but this trip was more obligatory than a vacation for "me". I can provide more details and pics if people are interested.


In any event, I did get to spend some time with the Amazon some of you have heard me mention. His name is "Fipo" and my Grandmother has had him for 37 years. We dont know how old he is exactly as he was wild caught. A vet has suggested he is 50+ yrs after an evaluation by looking at his feet/beak and some other indications, but we really do know for sure. We do know he's at least 37 yrs old!! He has always been fully flighted.


Anyhow, Fipo LOVES the rain and does a really cute little dance when he hears/smells it to let us know its time to take him outside. I caught a few of these pics one afternoon when a thunderstorm showed up...enjoy!








Here are links to the bigger pics if you're interested:






http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1001/900710674_5266b572d6_b.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/07/26 03:48

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Wow! I'm glad you're back, and had a fairly good time. Those pictures are great! Thanks for sharing them. I'd love to see more if you have them.

Too bad you didn't have a video of that...he looks so cute!:cheer: :cheer:

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He does enjoy the rain doesn't he, how adorable, he is a lovely bird to be that age and maybe even as much as 50+ years old. Too bad you didn't get a video of the dance, that would have been so cute to watch.


Glad you enjoyed yourself even if it was not really a vacation, but glad you are back on the forum, a lot has been happening but I'm sure you will catch up on it soon enough.


Thanks for sharing those pics with us, they are a delight to see.:)

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Yes, he has a ring on his foot that a chain or leash can be connected to. Today this would not be done as such tethering can injure the birds. However, keeping in mind we have had him so long, this wss the practice at the time. Fipo is VERY used to this and has never been injured by it, but again I dont think this type of restraint would be allowed today by most standards. B)

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Does anyone know where I can get an aviator, I would LOVE Roxy to fly around safely, although none of my friends think its a good idea, I would like to try it, they say it is cruel to let the bird fly a bit and then be pulled back.


Any advice on where to get the aviator, I'm in South-Africa if that helps.

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I love my aviator that Topaz has. She is not really flighted. I did a modified clip on her so she can fly some but not get any hight. I mostly got it so I can take her outdoors.

Que is flighted at this time but has no idea how to fly. Once she gets that figured out Ill do a modified clip on her so she can fly some but not get high or go far.

Unless being flighted turns her into a brat then grounded she well be. :P

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Thanks for sharing a little about your trip and especially those photo's of Fipo.


He looks like, life just doesn't get better than a good rain-shower to make the Day!! :woohoo:


He is sure a beautiful and healthy guy for his age.

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