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Day 2


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Hi every one.I really have to thank you all for your support. I started my day reading your thoughts and immediately, I took off to where I lost Sindbad. Was there around 8 AM.... posted about 20 flyers on electricity posts on each corner and a couple of convenient stores.. I walked around whistling his favorite tone.. I listened to hear if he was vocalizing... but all in vain.I left around 11. Then I went back with my wife around 3 PM and looked in the area until around 5:30 PM... absolutamente nada.

I called the animal control people and I posted ads. on Craigslist and Parrot 911. Haven't heard a thing. I will continue to look for him tomorrow... but I doubt he is still free. Probably somebody found him. Sindbad was nice to every one and would never refuse to go to any one even if he sees them for the first time. I can totally picture his landing on a fence or on the floor a and stepping onto the first hand that comes close to him.


Every time I come home, I feel as if I'm gonna hear him calling me. His sounds are still echoing in my ear. I feel that this little guy has really touched me and left a stamp on my life. I'm pretending that I'm only concerned about him, but deep down and when I'm typing in front of a monitor, I can't stop my tears. I really hope I'll find him and get him back in my life. Good night every one.

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I am so sorry to hear that the search was unsuccessful. Just remember it has only been about a day or so which means he can still be out there and is hiding. If he is out there he will soon come out to sing in the early morning and late at night. If someone found him let's hope they are kind enough to return him. There is another forum you can post about him on http://www.africangreyforum.com/forum/

you are in my thoughts. Please stay strong and don't give up.

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I just came back from Long Beach. Nothing new. I wish I was closer to that area. It's about 30 miles away. There's no way that he may find his way home. I really don't think he is still out there coz he'd be starved to death. Could he be really hiding for more than 2 days? Why? He is my buddy.... He imitates my voice and picks up words from me. I mean there was no reason for him to hide form me. I don't know. I just hope whoever finds him is gentle with him and to return him to me. Tomorrow I'll go nock on doors and ask neighbors about him. Wish me luck. Good night.

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There is a chance he is still out there. He won't be hiding from you but he may be scared and be hiding in general if he is not hearing your voice. There are people who have lost their birds for weeks months and even years. Some people believe that once they have freedom they like it a little too much. I am not saying that this is what will happen I am just telling you why you may not of seen him yet. It may take time but I have hope you will see him soon. Just hang in there and keep the faith. Don't give up and keep looking. Maybe post an ad in the local paper. Good luck stay strong.

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Thank you all. Just have a question. Yesterday in the afternoon when I went to the office to print more flyers, I noticed there was a small feather of his in the lot. The tip was dipped in a small oil drop. I thought this meant that he came to the lot when I was not there. Could a feather stay in the open air for more than 24 hours. I'd feel extremely guilty if he came to the lot and I wasn't there. I had plans for a X-mas vacation. This is why every one was off and the dealership closed. I went to the neighborhood twice and spent over six hours looking for him. But I never thought of sitting there waiting for him. I went back today and looked again on the surrounding trees and called for him. But there was no answer.


Any way, tomorrow, I'm nocking on the nighbors' doors. Wish me luck. Good night.

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Sindbad, Karma to you. Keep up the efforts.


Have you taken him to work before? It is quite possible that he would come back there, especially if the neighborhood is unfamiliar and your workplace was familiar.


Maybe you could have someone wait at your dealership during the day especially from early in the morning, while you asked around?


I am sending your way all the best wishes that I can and praying for Sindbad's safe and quick return.




Sindbad wrote:

Thank you all. Just have a question. Yesterday in the afternoon when I went to the office to print more flyers, I noticed there was a small feather of his in the lot. The tip was dipped in a small oil drop. I thought this meant that he came to the lot when I was not there. Could a feather stay in the open air for more than 24 hours. I'd feel extremely guilty if he came to the lot and I wasn't there. I had plans for a X-mas vacation. This is why every one was off and the dealership closed. I went to the neighborhood twice and spent over six hours looking for him. But I never thought of sitting there waiting for him. I went back today and looked again on the surrounding trees and called for him. But there was no answer.


Any way, tomorrow, I'm nocking on the nighbors' doors. Wish me luck. Good night.

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Good morning everybody. I woke up at 1:30 AM with a strong feeling Sindbad is at the dealership at that moment.I was dreaming of him and his whistles were echoing in my ears. I decided to go there very early and could not sleep since then. It's almost 5:30 now and I'm on my way. Wish me luck.

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I am with you on your search. Stay strong for your boy. I promise he was not hiding from your voice, if he could hear you at the time, he is so scared and alone he is doing what instinct tells him to do, to hide from predators. You are going to the greatest lengths within your resources and your love for your boy is strong and pure. Don't be hard on yourself, look for all the hopeful things and keep your spirits up for him. Take care, good luck.

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