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I'm new and I have a concern ...


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Is it OK for my timneh to hang upside down like a monkey? She does it all the time. She'll even get on my shoulder, slide down the back of my shirt, and just dangle off my belt. Is there any room for concern toward this adorable antic?





P.S. I'm going to attempt to attach a photo of my monkey timneh, but I can't guarantee I'll be successful. If I'm not, would anyone care to instruct me?<br><br>Post edited by: mikio, at: 2009/12/25 06:33


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OK, here's my SECOND (actually third) attempt at posting a photo, thanks Dee!!!




I'll change my profile photo so you can see what I mean. It's really, really cute!!!<br><br>Post edited by: mikio, at: 2009/12/27 22:31

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Yes, that's where I resized it, several times. I'm glad to know this is normal grey behaviour. But really, she hangs from my shirt too, what about that?


Actually, for a breeder of 18 years, I'd say she's just loving life as a bird. When she first came to me, she looked at her toys as if to say, "How do I mate with that?"


Now she's destroying everything in sight, and quite frankly it's impossible to keep up with replacing them. But, she is cute, and very happy to be free.


I hope.

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Well, there's a snag in that theory. Sasha does not like Laku. In fact, she doesn't like my budgie either. But at least with Dini, she doesn't try to BULLY him around. He's quite a savvy little stinker. I raised him from Day 1. Here's some pix of him:




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OK, that didn't work. Here are the photos in SEPARATE posts. My apologies.


Photo 1: Dini, far left, 5 days old (his siblings are to his right, 3 and 1 day old).


They were thrown in a trash by a breeder. Dini was the only one to survive.




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Photo 3: Dini, 5 years old, I took this photo a few days ago. Isn't he gorgeous!?!


Now this bird is the love of my life. After 45+ years of rehab and rescue service, he is the ONLY bird I kept as a pet. He does therapy work, and speaks Japanese, Portuguese, and English fluently. He doesn't sing like Laku, but he's the hit of my pet therapy programme. I was hoping to groom Sasha as his successor, but that doesn't look very promising. Besides not liking birds, she hates cars and carriers.


Thankfully she loves people. She's timid at first, but she'll get over that. I hope.




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Your flock is wonderful. I love that Sasha is so playful and full of energy for an eighteen year old. That is amazing. I really look forward to hearing about all your birds. There is a forum thread for other birds and I have a feeling they could have a long thread in there for each of them. Dini is a fighter, it makes all the work you did helping her worth every moment. I am so glad you came in to share with us.

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Thanks to you all for a warm welcome. My flock is definitely a mixture of misfits!!!


I used to specialise in rehab and rescue of blind and deaf pugs, and that somehow turned into rehab and rescue of birds and buns too. Dini's best mates are a blind, pink-eyed bunny named Niko, which you can see as my profile photo, and a blind and deaf senior pug age 20 named Sweet Pea, which you can see pictured here:




Thanks again Dee for helping me post photos successfully! I'll PM you shortly OK?<br><br>Post edited by: mikio, at: 2009/12/29 01:35


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Believe it or not, her kennel name was Crusty Sue or Crusty Lou, I can't remember which. She came in with her sister who was also in terrible shape. Both with ears that appeared to be fly or flea bitten, and thus crusty looking. They were also bald due to malnutrition, and sadly only Sweet Pea recovered fully. It's very difficult to find foster homes for senior pugs with around the clock medical needs. Sweet Pea alone takes 5 different meds, 4 times a day, and eats 5 to 6 times a day, partly to help her learn to eat small portions and to digest her food properly. She obviously never knew when her next meal was coming, so she begs constantly for food. I'm hoping she outgrows this behaviour. But oh well, that's the nature of the beast!!!

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