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Emma loves her new Alex Toy!


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Emma and Sachi received several new toys today.

One of the toys was the "Alex Toy" and it is definitely a 2 talons up toy!


When she first saw it the first thing that came out of her mouth was "whoa". I thought she'd take to it quickly but she seems somewhat nervous about touching it for a good 10 minutes.


Finally I hung the toy on her Boing and left her to figure it out on her own and it was clearly the best thing to do.


I am very impressed with the detail, thought and creativity of this toy. It is a big keeper and Emma absolutely loves it. Here is a video that I took tonight during the 1rst minute after she warmed up to it.


The toy was purchased at TNT





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Oooooooh Ooooooooooooh Ooooooooooh! :P


I am so excited that I can hardly contain myself.


I had sent a thank you email to the folks who created the ALEX toy and they forwarded my video and pictures of Emma to the Manager of the Pepperberg Lab ........................She emailed me today and asked if they could link Emma's video to The AlexFoundation Facebook page!!


What a great feeling!!!!!!:P


Perhaps Dr. Irene Pepperberg will see Emma's video too!!!!!

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Very cool video of Emma enjoying that new "Alex Toy".


What a surprise to hear they wish to use it!


I have been eyeballing that toy for a while. With Emmas approval I will now buy it. Did they offer you a percentage of all sales once they start using your video as a sales tool? :P


Thanks for sharing this video and the exciting news. :-)

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:P If Emma and her antics can encourage other parrot owners to provide great enrichment to their parrot's life, I'm all into it.


The best part is that 50% of sale profits of this toy goes to THE ALEX FOUNDATION and will greatly assist Dr. Pepperberg in continuing her valuable and important research on African grey Intelligence.{Feel-good-00020114}





Of course I haven't discussed the matter with Emma yet, but I'm sure she'd be fine with it!:)<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/12/28 18:39

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