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Francis is home!!!


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I got Francis home yesterday!! I am so thrilled and can't wait for him to settle in. As much as I want to just take him out and love him I am letting him get used to me and his new home. How long do you guys think I should let him be before I take him out?

For those of you that haven't read my other threads, Francis is a 6 year of CAG. He started plucking when his family went away on a 2 week vacation. They decided that they didn't want him anymore if he was going to pluck. The lady I got him from brought him home from his family that didn't want him anymore. He let his feathers grow back in but when she started going to horse shows and getting busy he began plucking again. She felt that he would thrive on attention and she felt that I could give that to him.

I will share pictures as soon as I get batteries for my camera. Any advice for helping him settle in is welcome!!

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Congratulations on Francis coming home. I would go by Francis pace. Is he use to coming out of his cage? If so, I would open the door and see if he wants to come out. Just follow his lead. If not just sit and talk to him and offer him some treats. Watch his body language and see what pace he wants to set. Enjoy!

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I have been offering him treats all day and he is more than willing to eat them up. I gave him broccoli, carrots, grapes, and a piece of bananna. he took them very nicely without taking my finger with them. I could leave the door open for him; but how will I get him back in?

The lady I got him from said that he loves to spend time out of the cage.

He has lunged at me a few times as I have been in the cage putting up a toy or changing his water. I haven't pulled away or anything like that. and he hasnt made contact. the only time he has put his beak on me is when i was giving him a piece of broccoli threw the bars and he just put his beak on my finger and went back to eatting

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So how did the lady get him back in? It must be pretty late where you are in Michigan. Perhaps you should wait until morning to let him out. Will he step up for you? That's how I get my grey back in her cage with the step up command and then return her to the cage. In your case a fresh day might be a better time to let your grey out and then he may want to go back on his own if you two aren't use to each other yet.

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Oh it is definately to late to let him out tonight. it is after midnight. He stepped up perfectly for the lady that had him before and that is how she would get him in. I only brought him home yesterday, so I have not pushed him to hard. I dont want to stress him. He just started playing with his toys tonight. I figured I would give him time to see that I am not out to get him before I asked him to step up.

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YAY! We made progress! I had to just stop being a weanie! HAHA The only thing going threw my head was 'I only have 10 fingers to spare'. haha well I just went up to his cage tonight and asked him if he wanted to come out for a while and put my hand up to him and he stepped right up! YAY I just had to share. :)

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haha.....im sure he will. I have to either buy or build a playstand for him. He just hung out with me on the couch tonight. After eatting a few treats he snuggled down and fell asleep. So I took advantage of him being out and I moved some stuff around in his cage to make it easier for him to find his way around. He is not to steady on his feet being all plucked and his nails are a bit to short.

I am SOOO excited!!

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I am so happy for you. I love that you waited patiently, overcame your own fear and gave him a chance to come to you. Knowing he came to you out of love and trust has to be the greatest joy. I share and rejoice with you. Congratulations on learning the ways of the greys. This is going to be a wonderful relationship and I look forward to sharing your time on the forum with us. Thanks for joining us.

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