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I need help tonight.... plz!


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So tomorrow we are going to my Brother's house for Christmas... big family gathering... and I just realized tonight that they all want to see Yoshi... so she is coming. She is bound to be a bit nervous around several people, but if you read my Thanksgiving post on here then you know that she does pretty well after she settles in a bit.


My dilemma really is that we are going to be there all day... and the portable playstand we got her has some flaws in my eyes... I need the advise of some of you guys! A new playstand is somewhere in the future but for now I can only make adjustments to this one.


Anyway - the biggest drawback to me is that there is no 'high hook' or something to hang toys from, you know? If she is sitting on the main perch... I've found it a real annoyance that there isn't something higher up to clip toys onto... I've tried a close hanger but too bendy... I've considered a wooden dowl upright but how am I supposed to attach that to the hard base?


Drawback #2 - No food or water bowls... Thanksgiving I fed her by hand some foods and she ate a bunch before we went but tomorrow we will be there all day...


So if you guys have some tips PLZ PLZ PLZ let me hear them! Ideas about how to cut down on any extra stress would be great too!




P.S. - Sorry it's messy in the photo :Pstand-5cc206f361de5525273d4df8c89c98fd.jpg


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If you have a dowel made of a bird-safe wood, you can stand it upright next to one of the two vertical legs of the playstand and fasten them together using some leather strips or other bird-safe rope. You could even attach one to each leg and then run a string up high between the two dowels to hang toys from. Of course, you might want to test this setup before you hit the road to see if it makes Yoshi nervous. The stress of being away from home and around strangers, combined with a new contraption like this might be too much for some fids.

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I have 3 of them that I take out of town all the time. What I've found is that they don't necessarily need food and water when they are out being social. I find that this is a good time for friends and family to feed them treats, such as nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Most of the fruits and veggies contain a significant amount of water anyway.


When it's time to eat pellets, I take them back to their portable cages which have food and water and are in a quiet room where they can relax or take a nap. It's also where they go when the cooking starts. If Yoshi is flighted, you probably don't want her out while hot pots and pans are on the stove. Also, if they cook with non-stick cookware, I prefer to have my birds in another room of the house with ventilation. Actually, my preference is that they don't use non-stick products, but you can't always dictate such things when you're a guest in someone else's home.

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If you have a tall dowell with a hook on it to hang toys, you might get a couple of the plastic zip ties that are used for electrical wires etc. and use those to hold to the vertical support on one end or the other of this playstand. Good luck with Yoshi, if it were me I would want you to bring her to my house too! Seeing how much you love her is going to bring pleasure to your family.

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